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[[ DIXIE. ]]

Sitting cross legged on the floor, I glanced over to my left where Harry stood at a marble staircase at the other side of the room. It had been an entire twenty four hours since the incident, since Harry and Max abruptly left, since Vera rushed to the first floor when Ace had yelped out in agony. Not much had clicked besides the fact one of the robbers had gotten hurt somehow, though my mind hadn't slept since. Not since the happenings on the first floor that I missed out on, because I made sure all the hostages on the second floor would stay calm and collected. Like Vera had predicted would happen, a woman in her middle age was close to hyperventilating, on the brink of a panic attack. She explained it to be a mix of a sensitivity to the walls and the people around us; claustrophobia, and the anxiety a gun would be set off any second at hand in that critical moment. In God's honest truth, the world had caved in for me too.

"This message is being given to every civilian, from the lobby and up." Harry had spoke loudly enough, the gentle voices of conversation gradually lowering to an array of whispers and murmurs. "It's not long. Truly not long until we near the finish line, but with the police force just beyond this bank's walls, what me and my team have to perform is merely tedious, perhaps a knock-off game show. The mission's tentative, so we simply cannot race towards our motive, for reasons we shouldn't say. Though for all your safety again, I'd like to aware you that traps and advanced locks are set between every single crevice that'll lead us towards the cash. If anyone tries anything stupid, lurks around looking for what we do; you won't find it. You'll either have to solve some sort of code, riddle, or get drowned, even laserbeamed if the wrong combination is given."

"Death traps. Are you saying there are death traps?" A man had asked from the back of the room, Harry scoffing.

"Not to put myself on the highest pedestal in the room here folks, but I've learned each and every single thing about this bank from every angle, every microscopic detail for years even before this heist came to be, and these traps? Aren't even close to what death could bring."

"So what are you saying?"

"The average person would flinch away any single thing that'd tick any of the five senses into the feeling of danger. Whether that be near drowning, near getting an arm electrecuted deeply, ninety nine point nine percent of the hostages in this bank would shy away, perhaps run like hell. Though some of you, perhaps a single one of you play fear like the strings on a violin." Harry's eyes lead to me.

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