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[[ VERA. ]]

"How do I look?" I came out of the washroom adorned in a short plaid pink dress, the prominent shape to my body hugged tightly in this article of clothing. There wasn't much time, so I had done my makeup as quickly as I possibly could.

I had put a glittery iridescent face mask over my face, only my eyes visible.

"Hot." Carmen smirked, raising her eyebrows.

Dixie sat in the corner of the room, away from the other hostages who sat on the floor aligned against the wall where she curiously peered at the girls, before she pulled her knees to her chest from where she sat, hoping it'd ease her nerves.

"Dixie." I called over to the girl, humming softly as she turned over to me. "Come over and tighten my corset would you?"

"Um. Yeah, yeah sure." She nodded once, getting to her feet as she had walked over behind me slowly.

As she tightened the strings, I pursed my lips, looking down at my hourglass figure.

"Do you know what's going on?"

I glanced over at the group of hostages who had overlooked the scenario at hand, shaking my head slightly. "Not here. Come." I grasped her hand, as I had pulled her into the corridors, shutting the retractable door closed behind us.

"A very Max Moriarti moment happened. He's one of us though, he just kind of left his glasses behind and well, we can't leave evidence behind either. Um, as for Ace, he's got quite the responsibility on hand, but he's getting ready. More like, belting Elton John's 'Rocket Man' at the top of his lungs and running around somewhere on the first floor."

"You trust me. Don't you? That's got to be why you're telling me all of this." She murmured, looking around with precaution before she gazed back at me.

I shook my head. "I'd tell you I do trust you. Though along the plan's lines, I'd tell you that you were going to crack, you were going to try to escape, so you had to feel safe somehow. Knowledge is power after all."

"The man. That that guy with red hair killed. What was behind that?"

"I'd say months worth of working behind this heist. The number one enemy."

"Which is?" Dixie wondered, crossing her arms.

"Pressure. Harry expected minimal casualties, but what a majority of the team hoped would be, was none at all, point being. But, when an entire SWAT team, armed officers, and this detective are prawling to get on the inside, it obviously wouldn't be that easy. Harry wanted the highest protection whelmed over the hostages, no matter what the cost, but..."

"It's a tactic. To keep people in place, isn't it? So no one gets out and escapes."

"On the spot." I smirked, tapping the tip of my nose.

"It's the truth." Harry spoke, leaning against the wall a distance away from us.

I rose my eyebrows at Dixie who boldly approached him in close proximity, looking up at him indomitably. "What is going on? Tell me."

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