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[[ DIXIE. ]]

It's been three days since the heist began. The longer I found myself contained in this prison that was four walls of the national bank of New York, I found myself drawn to conversation with the people behind all this. They've got to be serious con-artists to have made it this far without any risk from the dangers outside, but despite that these were genuine people, with actual beliefs that carry their being philosophically, and actual thoughts that challenged this country's economy. They were a different bunch, but Harry was the one who called the shots why? What had been so significant about him anyway? It could be anyone leading the team, yet Harry was the one who lead them. It made absolutely no sense.

While I laid there on my layer of blankets that the officers outside were glad enough to hand over to a random hostage volunteer Harry had sent to walk outside in the midst of a ransom, I found myself staring up at the inward-diamond shaped ceiling, mesmerized by the dimmed glass structure.

"It's been way too silent out there. The detective hasn't called back, not once." I hear Vera anxiously mention, Carmen glancing at her sat on the chair across.

"Look, they're probably just as stumped as we are at this point." Carmen sighed, plopping her face in her hands. "As long as we have no idea how to get access to those vaults, we're in no way completing phase two."

"Phase two?"  I blurted out, the two girls looking over at me lying down on the floor a slight distance away from them.

"Stay out of it princess." Carmen cocked an eyebrow over at me, Vera just pulling a small smile.

"Come on Carmen, don't be a bitch. She probably just genuinely wants to ask what we're up to and it's not a problem. Will we tell you? No. But it's cute sweetheart." Vera chuckled.

I sighed, sitting up from the spot I lied in and found myself unsettled at the fact they wouldn't tell me. But fair enough, I had been a hostage after all.

"So you and Harry—"

"Wait what? No, we're not." I laughed, shaking my head.

"Seems like he's got something for you."

"How would you know that?" I scoffed, quirking an eyebrow at Vera who just smiled like a little girl on Christmas morning.

"He looks at you, like the world means less. Everything revolving around you just blends out into oblivion when he's talking to you and I've known Harry long enough to know when he's smitten over a girl." Vera stated, pleating her skirt as she crossed her legs.

"I'm the hostage here. What else could there possibly be besides the fact he needs this to go his way? Get the millions, while you all become millionaires and—"

"Dixie, this isn't your heist. It's Harry's. You know nothing about the plan. How the hell would you know what he needs?" Carmen angered, her dark eyes glowering in anguish.

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