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[[ HARRY. ]]


I stared at each and every single one of the accomplices sitting in the library room of my house, nodding once.

"Do I have each and every one of your guys' attention? Because this is critical. And each one of you are going to have to sharpen up, otherwise, the topic at hand is bound to happen." I had walked over to the green chalkboard. "An accurate two percent actually, for the women in this room, and a solid five percent for our men."

Nods had circled around the room, Vera chewing on a piece of bubble gum.

Taking a piece of chalk, I began to scribble the letters onto the board.

Single trace. I wrote, dropping the piece of chalk as I brushed my hands off.

"So you agree." Carmen said, intelectually, in a breath, leaning over the table.

"That?" I had turned my head over, glancing at the doe eyed girl.

"Men are slightly more stupid than women." Vera added, blowing a bubble with the pink gum in her mouth.

"Hey. Is sexism seriously neccessary?" Max criticized.

"Under pressure, the statistics don't lie." I said.

"I'm hooked. What's gonna happen?" Ace nodded his head slowly.

"One of you, maybe even a few of you could leave evidence behind if the pressure heightens unexpectedly. That means the sole risk that all of this could go down the drain, the sinkhole. Just like that."

"That's impossible. We went over everything a thousand times at that." Carmen argued.

"We're not going to brush this off with an outer percentage bound to unfold. Let me expatiate." I motioned.

"Well let's hear it." Max curiously said, leaning back in his seat.

"If, and I mean if a single trace of our DNA is left behind as soon as we land into that bank, we're going to have to sweep the slate clean as quick as possible before any forensics can be caught on sight by the detective and the cops, because as soon as they get that trace on any of us, we're done for. One, even one of our faces portrayed on the media, newspapers, all of it. It can mean colossal damage to the heist."

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