Chapter 21

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After about an hour in the shop, Arya hopped up from her seat, "Hey guys, I'm gonna go visit May's grave so I'll see you soon," She told her friends.

The two gave her a supportive hug before she exited the shop and walked down the street to the graveyard where she was laid to rest. 

Arya had known May since she was young, she was one of her Mothers friend and after her Mother's passing, May was like a second mother to her. Her death was a devastation to Arya as she had basically nobody left. 


Arya arrived at the graveyard, walking over to the grave. As she arrived she noticed a boy around her age sitting there. 

Arya placed down a flower at the bottom of her grave, causing the boy to look up at him. She instantly recognized him, he was the boy was the coffee shop. Peter, she thought.

"I know you, you're Peter," She spoke, sitting next to the boy. 

Arya watched as his eyes lit up, they almost sparkled, "You do? You know me?"

Arya nodded, "Yeah, you came to the coffee shop an hour ago, I was there with my friends," she clarified.

Peter's face dropped slightly, he shook his head. How could he be so stupid as to think she remembered him, "Oh yeah," He spoke softly.

The two sat in silence for a while, Arya stared at the grave in front of her, her eyes glossed with tears. 

"How'd you know her?," she asked, breaking the silence between the two.

Peter looked up at her for a moment, thinking through his response, "Through Spider-Man. You?"

Arya nodded, "She was my mom's friend, like a second mom to me," She explained, a sad smile plastered across her face. 

Peter nodded sadly, he knew how Arya felt about May, it hurt him even more that she didn't remember him.

 "I lost my mom a while back. Felt like this." She spoke softly. "It hurts 'cause they're gone. And then it hurts all over again because you remember what they stood for, and you wonder, "Is all that gone too?" 

Peter looked back up at the girl, pondering on her words for a moment, "No, it's not gone. Everyone that she helped... they'll keep it going."

"You really think so?" She asked

"I know it." He told her with a nod before standing up after a moment, then helping Arya to her feet. "Take care of yourself, okay?"

Arya nodded, smiling at the nice boy, "Yeah. Nice to meet you, maybe I'll see you around,"

The two walked their separate ways. Peter back to his apartment and Arya back to MJ and Ned.

As she walked, Arya couldn't help but shake the weird feeling in her chest, a strong sense of deja vu almost filled her. 


Arya walked back into the shop to see MJ and Ned sat exactly where they were before she had left. She walked over to the two, engulfing them in a hug. 

"Guess who I saw at May's grave," She spoke, pulling away from the two. 

"Oh, who?" MJ asked

"The kid who was in here before," She told them, "Peter Parker I think,"

"Peter Parker," she hummed to herself.

The End



My heart hurts omg, I can't believe it's over dude. 

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