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"How are you feeling?" Sarah inquired as I slammed my locker shut that evening. I stared at my purple reflection in a nearby locker mirror, and huffed. No such luck with my powers yet, but my eyes changing color again gave us hope.

"About what?"

"The conference, genius," she smiled.

"Oh," I mumbled. "I'm not sure."

"You anxious about the conference," Noah asked, his arm draped around his girlfriend.

"James!" Derek's face appeared from a nearby classroom, beckoning me inside. Reluctantly, I followed him and found five police officers and the governor waiting for me. The governor's eyes sparkled with excitement as he greeted me.

"James, are you ready to go live in the search for Henry?"

I scoffed, "Do I have a choice?"

"No," Derek stated.

"I know you're a shy kid," the governor remarked, "Your father and brother filled me in. But you need to step up and get used to it."

"That's why I'm not the right person for this. You should have asked Noah. He's more willing and has plenty of stories—"

"Kiddo, you're not helping," he interrupted. "Your brother and father have already assured me you'll do it. I want you because you don't have a public history," he explained. I didn't particularly like the spotlight, especially now that I was constantly on the minds of teenage girls.

"Fine," I reluctantly agreed, giving in seconds later.

"Great!" the governor exclaimed. "I have some notes about your uncle that I want you to touch on before..." His words trailed off as I stared at the oversized clocks above the chalkboard.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tick. Tock. Time crept by, tormenting me. I wasn't looking forward to this but reminded myself it was for Henry. I had to save him, no matter what. I had failed once, but I promised it wouldn't happen again.


"Hello," I tapped the screeching microphone, avoiding eye contact with the numerous cameras fixed on me. Standing on the school auditorium stage with dozens of lenses trained on me was torture, almost as bad as my worst fear—losing control of my powers in front of my school, becoming a superpowered, ticking time bomb. People intently studied my deep purple eyes, waiting for me to speak.

My family and other officers stood behind me on the stage, forcing me to address my school and, essentially, the world. I was still adjusting to the spotlight. Back in Arizona, I'd often escape the scene and hide in Derek's shadow after saving the day. But this time, I wasn't so lucky. I had to put on a brave face and endure it.

"Ehem," I cleared my throat, the microphone screeching again. "For those who don't know me, I'm James Everett Knight. By day, I'm a soon-to-be teenage father; by night, I'm Alpha, a teenage superhero. I grew up in this town, always aware that I might one day have to reveal my secret. Then we moved to Arizona after my mom passed away, and things got rather interesting." I swallowed hard, taking a deep breath. I scanned the audience, spotting Claire rubbing her pregnant belly before continuing.

"If you don't know my uncle, Sam, he's a brilliant scientist, a superhuman enslaved by Alexander Knight and coerced into working on the supergene with his girlfriend and children. Alexander is obsessed with creating super soldiers, and when I was around six, I inadvertently ingested one of my uncle's experiments, gaining superpowers. It's your typical superhero origin story. I kept it a secret from all of you to protect your safety. I wasn't sure how you'd react, but I realized it was just my fear." I moistened my lips, fighting the urge to flee, and continued, briefly glancing back at Derek and my father in uniform, standing right behind me.

"My duty as Alpha is to protect and serve this community and the world, keeping everyone safe. Henry Knight, the police chief and one of my uncles, recently became another victim of Alexander's experiments. He's been missing for over a month, and we're seeking your help to find him. If anyone has any information, please come forward. Thank you." I sighed in relief before stepping away from the podium. Then, the heated press mobbed me, thrusting microphones and cameras in my face.

"Alpha, ALPHA! Over here!" they clamored, pushing to the front of the stage. "James, look this way," someone else yelled. "Stay calm, James," I reassured myself. Noah stepped forward, gesturing to the press to back off.

"Alpha won't be taking any questions at the moment," he declared, easing my growing anxiety.

"What about you, Geronimo?" another journalist shouted. Noah chuckled, the camera flashes blinding him.

"Well, not right now," Noah responded, pushing me behind the podium.

"James! We're from Arizona; we went to school with you!" someone else in the crowd screamed, two girls I barely recognized waving at me.

"James, why are your eyes violet?" another reporter asked.

"James can't take questions right now," Derek intervened, stepping in and ushering me away from the podium.

"How are you holding up, buddy?" my father whispered as I gave him a thumbs-up. He then turned to face the crowd, took a deep breath, and launched a lengthy speech while I reluctantly gazed at the sea of faces.

As my father delivered his speech, my thoughts raced. The sea of faces in the auditorium seemed endless, and the moment's pressure weighed heavily on my shoulders. I was still adjusting to being in the spotlight; now, it was brighter and hotter than ever.

I couldn't help but glance at Claire, my best friend, the love of my life,  and now a soon-to-be mother of my child. Her eyes met mine briefly, and I instantly felt a surge of determination. I couldn't let fear or uncertainty hold me back. This was about more than just me; it was about Henry, my missing uncle.

With renewed resolve, I returned to my father's speech. He was recounting Henry's contributions to the community, his dedication as a police chief, and the void left behind by his disappearance. The audience listened attentively, their faces reflecting concern and empathy.

After what felt like an eternity, my father concluded his speech. As he stepped away from the podium, he signaled to me, and I reluctantly took my place back at the microphone.

"Thank you, Dad," I said, my voice steadier than expected. "And thank you, everyone, for your support and understanding."

The reporters were still eager for answers, but I needed to control the situation. Noah stepped forward once more, addressing the press with authority.

"Alpha has given his statement for now," he announced firmly. "We will continue to update you as the search for Henry progresses. Please respect his need for privacy at this time."

Noah's charisma and presence commanded attention, and the reporters, though persistent, began to back off. My family and the officers who had accompanied us formed a protective shield around me as we exited the auditorium.

As I exited the building, the cool air outside was a welcome relief from the intense spotlight of the stage. Sarah and Noah joined me, offering words of encouragement and support.

"You did great up there, James," Sarah said, smiling.

Noah added, "Yeah, you handled it like a pro."

I nodded, still feeling a rush of adrenaline and relief. But deep down, I knew that the most challenging part was yet to come—the search for Henry. I couldn't let my newfound fame distract me from the mission ahead.

James Knight: Teenage Superhuman - Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now