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"How do you keep losing your superpowers?" An officer asked, sitting beside me in the vast white room beyond a government building. The room was sterile, its walls seemingly impervious to sound, as if it were designed to contain secrets that even whispers couldn't escape.

I shifted uncomfortably in the cold, metal chair, my gaze fixed on the officer's stern expression. His uniform bore no symbols, and his face was an unreadable mask of authority. Heavy with accusation, his question hung as if he believed I was purposely squandering my extraordinary abilities.

I sighed, my breath visible in the chill of the room. "Maximus," I admitted, frustration seeping into my voice.

The officer leaned forward, his eyes narrowing as if searching for any hint of deception. "You understand, we've invested a considerable amount of resources into this project," he said, clipped and businesslike. "The nation depends on individuals like you to protect it."

I nodded, my shoulders slumping under the weight of his words. I had trained for years to harness my superpowers. But lately, they had been slipping away from me, as elusive as a fading dream.

The officer continued, "If Maximus is a threat to your powers, internal or external, you have to address it."

I looked down at my hands, flexing my fingers absentmindedly. "I wish I knew how," I muttered, more to myself than to him.

I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever regain control or if I was destined to remain powerless, a symbol of vulnerability rather than strength.

The officer sighed, sensing the genuine frustration in my voice. He leaned back in his chair, fingers steepled in thought. "I understand this is difficult for you, but we can't afford to compromise our top assets. Maximus may be a formidable adversary, but we've faced threats and will face them again. What matters is how we adapt."

I met his gaze, a glimmer of hope flickering within me. "Adaptation? How do I do that?"

He leaned forward again, his voice lower, as if sharing a confidential secret. "First, you need to understand the root cause of your powers weakening. Is it psychological, physical, or something else entirely? We have specialists who can help you with that."

I nodded, realizing I couldn't solve this problem alone. "And if it's Maximus, how do we deal with him?"

The officer smiled. "Maximus has weaknesses too. We've been studying him for years, just like we've been studying you in Arizona. We need the right strategy. Your powers may not be what they used to be, but you have experience, knowledge, and a team behind you. That's a powerful combination."

His words were like a lifeline, pulling me out of despair. I straightened in my chair. "I'll find a way to overcome it."

The officer nodded approvingly. "We believe in you and support you every step of the way. Remember, you're not just a random individual. You're a symbol of hope and protection for our nation, Alpha."

I felt renewed purpose as I left the sterile white room. The journey ahead would be challenging, and Maximus was a formidable foe. Still, with the resources, guidance, and determination, I knew I could reclaim my superpowers and continue to be a beacon of strength and resilience in a world where known and unknown threats loomed.

The officer's gaze softened, leaning back in his chair, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "We've faced challenges like this before," he admitted, his voice taking on a more compassionate tone. "Sometimes, the key to regaining control over your powers is understanding yourself better. Have you tried talking to someone about what's been bothering you? A counselor, perhaps?"

I had always seen my superpowers as something I needed to conquer alone. But as I thought about it, I realized that maybe there were deeper issues I needed to address. "I haven't," I confessed, feeling vulnerable at opening up to someone about my struggles.

The officer nodded approvingly. "It's worth a try. Remember, your powers are a part of you, and your mental and emotional well-being are just as important as your physical training."

As I mulled over his words, the officer reached into his pocket and handed me a small card with contact information. "Here's the number of specialists with experience working with individuals like you. They can help you explore what might be causing this loss of control. It's confidential and might be the first step toward regaining your powers."

I accepted the card, although I had no idea what he meant when he said, "Individuals like me." Were there more than just my family and a few others out there? The officer's demeanor shifted from stern authority to a more empathetic figure genuinely concerned about my well-being.

"I'll look into it," I said, tucking the card into my pocket.

The officer rose from his chair. "Good. Remember, we're here to help you, not just as a protector of the nation, but as allies. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything."

As he left the room, I was left alone with my thoughts. The stark, white room no longer felt as oppressive as it had when I first entered. Perhaps there was hope, after all, in regaining my superpowers and finding a path to understanding myself and the deeper issues affecting me. It was a journey that would require courage and vulnerability, but it was a journey I was now willing to undertake.

James Knight: Teenage Superhuman - Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now