The Awakening of the Vampire Princess Ch.22

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Copyright: All rights reserved to MaskedAuthor (N.Deviine)


              Suddenly I felt two palms on my back and before I could see who it was pushed off the cliff. My life flashed before my eyes, as I plummeted through the air. I tried to look at my killer but couldn’t see them past the blanket of black. Tears burned my eyes, as the freezing water assaulted my senses. Water invaded my lungs and I found myself gasping for air. Instead it was as if I was being pulled under. My vision blurred and I started to close my eyes. No, no… Then nothing.


Amber's P.O.V

                                                  *   *   *

             I knew where I was before I opened my eyes. It was the same place I ended up the last time I lost my conscience. However, instead of the celestial blue body of water, I appeared at a lake in the jungle. The marshy smell invaded me nostrils and ground felt soft and mushy under my feet. It smelled damp and humid, but I didn’t feel very warm, just comfortable.

             My eyes darted around, taking in the exotic palms and trees, the colourful flowers that appeared in full bloom and the insects that chirped and scuttled around the ground. Then I felt her overwhelming presence again. How could I not? She had a seductive charm around her, one that refused to be ignored. Against my better judgement I turned around, wanting to meet her. I needed answers. Even more so than my next breath.

             “Hello Amber!” she greeted, her clothes slightly torn, but she made them look exceptional on her.

             “Anna,” I nodded back in acknowledgment. She flashed me a smile before settling herself on a rotting log.

             “I’m honoured you remembered.”

             “It’s hard to forget. Will you answer my questions now?” I asked, cutting straight to the chase.

             “Depends,” was her simple answer. I nodded, glad to have some progress these past few weeks.

              “Who are you?”

             “Who are you?” she shot back. My brow furrowed at her bizarre question.

              “I asked you first,” I insisted.

              “So answer me first.”

             “I’m Amber.”

             “I’m Anna.”

              “Stop it!” I yelled, frustrated beyond belief. When would she answer my questions? Would that day ever come? I started to doubt it. My legs felt sore, so I decided to settle myself on the wooden deck that was suspended above the lake.

              “I’m answering your question. You have to know who you are in order to know who I am,” Anna replied seriously.

              “I’m Amber,” I replied, running a hand through my hair. I wanted to pull it out and yell. I wanted answers. It wasn’t anything complicated, just straight answers. However, that seemed more that Anna here could handle. Knowing that if I pursued this question, it would be useless, I decided to change my tactic.

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