The Awakening of the Vampire Princess Ch.10

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  • Dedicated to Katie Mitchell

sorry i ahven't poseted for long been busy :(

any way hope you enjoy :)

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I looked around the dress filled shop and noticed the woman from my dream in the corner of my eye.


. I turned around quickly and there was nothing. Getting way too paranoid I told myself. There was never anyone there, it was my imagination.

"Let's go to my house. Your mother should be meeting us there," Leah said happily.

Even though I saw this house before, it didn't stop me from gawking at it. After a series of twists and turns, lefts and rights, ups and downs, we arrived into a huge room. Big surprise there I muttered under my breath. The room had Romanesque architecture. The ceiling was milky white and a blue crystal chandelier was hanging from it by a long string. It was giving the room a blue chilli glow. The blue glow makes you feel like you're in an under water tunnel and marine life is surrounding you. The baby blue walls added to the affect. The room had a dark blue king sized bed with curtain around it making it seem like someone important sleeps there. There was a mahogany dressing table and chair with a laptop on it. The room had a door which was a walk in closet. The rest of the room was decorated with pots, plants, flowers and vases. I noticed my mom sitting on the little leather sofa.

"As you can see I love the colour blue and this is MY bedroom," Leah told us.

"You're finally back," my mom glared at Leah.

"Yeah," my mom muttered under her breath.

"Here is your dress dear," said Leah sweetly as she gave a long elegant red dress. It was tight, strapless and simple. My mom grabbed the dress angrily and headed to the doors.

"You know where your room is right?" asked Leah.

"Yes Leah," replied my mom obediently and went out of the room.

"Now tomorrow we will work on her personality and behaviour. Right now we will make you ready," Leah said excitedly.

She grabbed a huge make-up kit and sat me down on the chair. Before she put make-up on I changed into my dress. She put light lilac eye shadow on my eyes, light eyeliner to make my eyes stand out and took off my contacts.

"What the hell did you do that for?" I asked pissed.

"You have beautiful eyes so you are not going to wear contacts," she ordered.

"No I don't I hate these eyes. I despise them. Give me back those contacts," I snarled.

"NO," she said in a firm tone.

WTF? Is she stupid or what? Ugh I put up with this shit and she takes away my contacts, is she out of her fucking mind? She put shiny violet lip gloss that wasn't strong and didn't look bad. Surprising. Becky washed and dried my hair. She wanted to curl my hair but there wasn't any need since that's how my hair usually looks like. I hate it so I straighten it. During the hairstyling Leah left to get dressed and check on my mom. Probably to make sure she didn't run away. Again. The three of us were bored and Darcy asked the one question I knew was on her mind.

"So, what does that diary say?" she asked and tried to look like she didn't care.

"Hmm, well here you go. Let's read it," answered Rebecca mischievously.

She handed us the three small white pieces of paper with elegant writing.

My I deal Girl

~I want her to be hard to get. To make it more challenging and rewarding.

~I don't want her to be some blonde bimbo who is there for the sex.

~I want her to be very mysterious, beautiful.

~Natural black hair, dark mysterious eyes that don't reveal anything.

~A very hot body, natural chest, nice ass that you can grab.

~She has to have a mysterious personality.

~She has to be very smart and intelligent.

~To love sport and understand it. Not to pretend she knows about it just to get close to me.

~To be very athletic, to be able to stand as my equal.

~Natural curly hair.

~To drive a nice motorbike or car.

~To love me with all her heart and all her soul.

~To be good in bed. Of course.

~To be very adventurous.

~Not to be afraid to try new things.

~To be look good in a bikini.

~To be good at skateboarding and snowboarding.

~A great dancer.

~To love winter and summer.

~Who looks good in anything.

~A cheerleader who is elastic.

~To be able to play video games with me and likes it.

~Not be possessive.

~To trust me.

~To let me hang out with my friends.

~Not be jealous.

But a girl like that doesn't exist so who cares. It doesn't matter anyway.

David Fleming.

"WOW," Darcy said out loud.

"I know," I added.

"He was describing Amber Young in that text," Becky and Darcy said in unison.

"WHAT?" I almost shouted.

"He was describing you without even knowing," Becky said nonchalantly.

"So he liked me all this time?" I asked disgusted.

"No, no," Darcy assured me.

"He wasn't. Only coz you are inverted and don't talk with anyone and hide that hot figure," Becky informed me.

"SO? It will just be easier to hurt him," I stated coldly.

"You can still do it?" asked Darcy bewildered.

"Who are you kidding? Of course," I reassured them.

"That's my girl," Darcy said and hugged me. Leah burst in through the door.

"Hey let's go the limousine is waiting for us outside," she said quickly. She was wearing a floor length milky white dress. It had straps and was loose around her legs and tight around her upper body. Her make-up was baby blue and white. It made her look like an ice queen.

"Don't worry about it Ambs we will get David Fleming back," Darcy stated happily.

"WHAT?" shouted Leah.


Hoped you enjoyed it

if you did you now the drill

Masked Author

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