The Awakening of the Vampire Princess Ch.24

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A/N: I have to admit this where the fun starts and some shocking revelations come to light. :)

Copyright: All rights reserved to MaskedAuthor(N. Deviine)


        “OWWW!” I yelled and cried. I wasn’t able to reach the door, but who could it be anyway? Then the door was flung open and the person I least expected to see was there.


Amber's P.O.V

         Leah was standing there, not being her happy cheerful self, which was a first if I do say so myself. She regarded me with contempt and strode over as if nothing was wrong.

         “Are you in pain?” she asked, being careful not to get anywhere near the blood that surrounded me. I clenched my teeth in frustration. She was going to bring me back to my mother.

          “Obviously,” I hissed, clutching my sides as an onslaught of pain attacked me. Leah sighed and sat on the couch. Couldn’t she see I was dying here?

         “You aren’t…going to…bring me back…right?” I panted as the pain intensified. A cruel smile twisted on her plump pink lips.

          “Nothing of that sort I assure you,” Leah soothed, rubbing her hands together.

         “What are you doing here then?” I asked, slightly puzzled. Then, a scream made its way past my lips. The pain was excruciating. Leah came over and bent down. She studied me carefully, lighting a cigarette.

         “I’m here to help you…if you can be cooperative.” I tried to smile. She couldn’t save me even if she wanted to. I was a goner. Dead.

         “You can’t save me,” I wheezed. It was getting harder to talk. I started coughing violently and blood came out of my mouth.

         “Yes, I can.”


         “Tell me my dear, who angered you? I’m not exactly stupid, you know,” Leah coaxed, putting a hand on my chest so she could slow down my breathing. I started feeling better immediately.

        “I don’t know what…you’re talking…about. The cells…didn’t correspond with my…human ones.” Leah lifted her hand and the pain attacked me again.

        “Come on Amber. I know it wouldn’t reject you in a million years. You don’t understand honey. You would have to be very upset for that to happen,” Leah cooed, massaging my forehead. The insistent headache went away and it felt as if I was flying. The relief was tremendous.

         “Tom and Rebecca…they were…kissing,” I hissed.

         “Is that all honey?”

         “No, everyone’s been ignoring me, caught up in their own affairs. People always ridiculed me and hurt me. I want them all to suffer,” I screamed vehemently. Leah smiled soothingly.

         “You’re such a good girl. And what kind of grandmother would I be if I didn’t help you with it? But first let’s save you,” and with those nice words, I grew tired and sleepy. It felt as if I was floating on clouds, nice fluffy clouds. Then, once again, a deep pain penetrated me. It began in my head and traveled all around my body before settling in my heart.

         I yelled and thrashed and fell off my cloud. No. What did I do? The air hit my face, but I couldn’t slow down. I just kept falling and falling. Would I die? Suddenly, a cloud appeared out of nowhere and I landed softly like a feather onto it. My heart was still beating erratically and I was scared out of my mind. I nearly died, the awful realization hit me. Leah wouldn’t be able to save me. I was a goner. Panic gripped me and I started sweating.

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