The Awakening of the Vampire Princess Ch.35 Epilogue

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Copyright © 2011 by Nina Deviine


            “Yes,” I replied and she smiled. The brown rope was finished wrapping itself around Leah.

            “We banish you from this realm to the realm of Chotki.”

             Leah’s scream echoed through the forest as she disappeared into thin air. We all watched with morbid fascination as it all sunk in. Leah was gone.



Amber's P.O.V

          How were you supposed to feel on your own wedding day? I suppose calling it a wedding wasn’t politically correct. It was a blood rite. A binding agreement between two vampires. Well, I was half a vampire. I heard Anna chuckle.

         I smiled at the mirror, twisting around, watching the ruffles of my dress swish. It wasn’t a traditional dress per se. There wasn’t a speck of white on it. The dress was decorated with dark blue roses around my waist, but otherwise it was blood red. I looked in the mirror and smiled. There was a knock at the door.

          “Come in.”

          Catherine walked in, bringing a shaking Darcy with her. I looked at both of them. Catherine was wearing a black tux, don’t even get me started on why.

           “What’s the matter Darcy?”

          She looked at me and bit her lip, trying to control her shaking.

          “Are you cold or something?”

         “No, no,” she laughed. It sounded forced.

          “What’s the matter then?”

          “Nothing, I might’ve caught a chill last night. That’s all.”

          Her shaking ceased and I looked at her ridiculous lace gloves.

          “Don’t tell me you’re wearing gloves when it’s thirty degrees outside. It’s so hot.”

         “I like them. They look cool.”

         I rolled my eyes, but didn’t say anything more about it. Zoë walked in and everyone froze. I rolled my eyes yet again.

         “Don’t tell me you’re afraid of her?”

         “She wanted to kill you. I think we have that right,” Catherine muttered.

          “Yeah, but Amber and I are best buds aren’t we?” Zoë asked.

          “Oh yeah, definitely.” I smiled thinking of our friendship. She was my trainer, teaching me how to use my powers, channel my energy and stuff. I still didn’t understand half of the things she spouted.

           “Ready?” Catherine asked, irritation etched into her face.

           “It’s now or never.”

           Zoë held out her arm and I grabbed it. She handed me the blood pendant. I gasped, looking at the pure crystalline tear. It wasn’t small by any means, nor was it obscenely huge. It was as big as my palm.

          She started to escort me into the greenhouse. Catherine and Darcy walking slowly behind me. It was scorching hot inside the garden. There were all types of green exotic plants around us. We walked on the cobble-stoned road.

          It was really humid inside, but then it was to be expected, even at night. I looked up at the pale moon shining down on me and soaked it up. It certainly felt better than the sun.

          We reached the glass staircase and started climbing up, one step at a time. I was nervous. Beyond nervous. Human relationships lasted a life-time, but immortal ones...They lasted forever. They gave forever a whole new meaning. Yet I knew this was what I wanted. I wanted to do this blood rite with every cell in my body.

           After a few minutes, we reached the top, where Justin waited for me. My breathing picked up when I noticed him in his tuxedo. He sure knew how to fill out one. That was for sure. His tuxedo was black topped of with a red tie.

         Zoë brought me to him. She kissed both of my cheeks and smiling.

         “I leave you to him. To be bound and blooded as it is your birth rite.”

         I grinned, still grasping the blood pendant as I turned towards Justin. He was stoic, but I saw the happiness in his eyes. He held out his hand and I took it gently. The whole moment felt surreal. It was as if some other woman was in my body. My life had changed so much in the past month.

          He took the knife from the stone slab that was beside me. He cut open his vein and let a drop of blood fall onto the blood pendant, which suddenly started losing its clear colour.

          Justin held out his hand to me and brought his wrist up to my lips. I licked the trail of blood that formed and felt my fangs elongate. As I sank my fangs into his flesh, I felt him growl.

          After a few seconds I stopped myself and cut my own wrist. Dropping some of my blood onto the pendant, I returned the gesture and let Justin seal my wound.

          Then I felt it. Like a bolt of lightening ripping through my body. Yet it was such a pleasant pain. Suddenly it was gone. I opened my eyes and looked into Justin’s. He smiled and tugged me to him. His lips touched mine and it felt like fireworks going on. Justin kissed me softly at first and then started getting more aggressive.

          “Break it up you too and save it for the honeymoon,” Catherine yelled and everyone laughed. I stepped back from Justin, still holding his hand, and blushed.

           “Are we ever going to get to the part we eat?” Zark asked. Darcy elbowed him in the ribs and he scowled. I chuckled.

            “Of course.”

            Everyone started getting up and congratulating us on the bond. Afterwards they all walked downstairs for the reception. I guess some aspects of the bonding reminded me of a traditional wedding.  

           “I love you Amber,” Justin whispered in my ear. I smiled, feeling like a million dollars.

          “I love you too.”

          “But I have to tell you something.” His serious tone troubled me. Deeply. He sounded sad.

         “What’s the matter?”

         “It’s just...”

          “Are you okay?” I asked, wondering if he might be in some sort of danger.

         “I’m fine. It’s just that I have a daughter.”

SEQUEL: THE BEAST WITHIN THE BEAUTY (A Semi Werewolf Romance because well you'll see :D) (It's Catherine's story and it starts where this story left off. There's a whole lot of twists yet to come ;) Stay tuned. I'm supposed to post it in the next few days :D


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