The Awakening of the Vampire Princess Ch.23

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Copyright: All rights reserved to MaskedAuthor (N.Deviine)


  I rested my hand on the cool copper door handle and stood there a second, wanting to catch my breath. It felt as if all types of acids were having a battle in my stomach. It got me quite nauseous. With all my strength, I pushed down the door handle and entered mom’s room. Then I saw something I never would’ve imagined in a thousand years.


Amber's P.O.V

         I couldn't believe my eyes! The scenario in front of me I wouldn't have dreamt in my worst nightmares. The two people who I thought I could trust just proved me wrong. I tried to swallow the tears that threatened to erupt like an angry volcano. My throat started to hurt considerably and my vision got glazed by a watery liquid. Yet I forced my eyes to focus once again and I changed the sorrow filled tears for angered ones. 

       Rebecca looked guilty but she was still clutching his dark brown hair at the nape of his neck. Tom on the other hand didn't even spare me a look as he was staring at the ground still holding Rebecca around the waist, pressing her body against his. Despite my protests a tear escaped my left eye and slid down my cheek. I took a shaky breath and managed to spit out – “I hope I didn't interrupt anything.” My hand automatically slammed the door in Rebecca's face.

        Before I knew it I took off running, where I didn't know, but I had to get away. Soon I was out of the house and I headed for my own still running. My breath son became ragged and turned into tired pants. The lungs which I paid no attention to started to throb and burn from the lack of oxygen they were getting. I decided to ignore them since I didn't care about anything, but that was a big mistake. Eventually I reached my house and luckily no one was there.

        Suddenly I started coughing violently, my shoulders shook uncontrollably and I couldn't stop, to get air into my lungs. Panic engulfed me but the coughing ceased and I took the much needed breath. While I was catching the air and filling my lungs with the rich oxygen, I noticed my hands were covered with a lust red liquid. Only one coherent thought managed to enter my mind; blood. Lots of it. Shit. Shit.

       I started panicking as my heart rate picked up once again and adrenaline coursed through my body. My hand ripped my sky blue dress effortlessly which I noticed was covered up in fresh blood patches. Not good, I muttered under my breath. I stood up and made my way to the grand bathroom upstairs. The door slammed open and I staggered into the sterile white bathroom. Somehow I managed to maneuver my way to the sink. My feet supported my body as it swayed; I pulled open the medicine cabinet and grabbed as many bandages as I could get my hands on.

         I found some pain killers and disinfectant on the top shelf. My hands couldn't stop shaking from the shock and fear long enough to get the pain killers into my mouth. I sunk back to the ground leaning against the immaculate white bath tub. Instinctively, my eyes shot to my chest that was bruised a deep violet colour. A helpless groan escaped my lips and my head throbbed with pain. 

       After a few calming breaths, my hands ceased to shake and I immediately took the opportunity to get the pain killers. I forced the tropical green pill down my throat and followed it by cool gulps of water. The heart which was pounding a couple of minutes ago went back to its natural rhythm. My legs found their footing and I pulled myself up with some leverage. The minute was up I noticed my hands

were also stained with blood and my cheek ached.

       Not daring to find out how bad the bleeding was I limped over to my bedroom, locking it straight away. I wasn't taking chances of anyone barging in on me. My hands went to work straight away pouring the disinfectant on the wounds and gently dabbing them with the milky white cotton wool. As the disinfectant came in contact with my skin, my lips let out a barbaric hissing sound disapproving my actions. When I was sure my wounds were clean enough I wrapped the bandages around my torso and chest as tightly as possible.

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