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It's pretty late by the time I manage to sneak out, but with my parents constantly hovering around me all day, it was the only chance I had.

I'm hoping Tobias would still be there, but judging by how late it's getting and what he'd said about how his father doesn't let him out like mine, there's a high chance he wouldn't be.

Cutting through houses so I could get to the tree quicker, I sprint as quickly as my feet could carry me.

The tree isn't too far from where I lived. So, it doesn't take me too long. By the time I emerge through the rows of houses and into the field, my heart is pounding in my chest with anticipation.

From this distance coupled with the darkening sky, it's hard to make out if anyone's even there. Still, I hold on to hope that he would be as I make my way up the slope.

My heart falls when I get to the tree to see that there's no one there.

Disappointment wells in my chest and decided I should've just cut my losses and headed home.

I'm not sure what compelled me to trek closer to the tree, but I do and to say I was happy I did was an understatement.

Pinned to the tree with what looked like a safety pin was a dried leaf and I could just make out messy scribbles on it.

Ripping it from where it was stuck to the trunk, I bring it closer to my face, squinting a little under the dimming sky so that I could read the words written on it.


I think I might have missed you today, but I'll be here at dawn to watch the sunrise tomorrow.
Maybe we'll see each other then.


A smile tugs at my lips as I stuffed the note into my pocket and I decide to stay for a little bit before heading back since I was already out.

"Hey, mom?" I call out to my mother from the kitchen.

"Yes, honey?" Her voice filters in from outside.

"Do you think I could go for a walk this morning?" I asked with my fingers crossed. My mom has always been the more lenient one of my parents. Dad was great too, he was just more of a stickler for rules. "I just thought it'll be nice to get some fresh air, you know?" I quickly tack on.

My mother pops her head into the kitchen, narrowing her eyes at me.

It's a quarter till six, leaving me just enough time to get to the tree- if my mum lets me.

With a sigh, my mom shakes her head. "My baby girl, always up to no good."

I shoot her an indignant look, "I am not!"

"I am your mother, Fallon. Did you really think I wouldn't be able to tell?"

I frown at her words, "So, that's a no?"

My mother laughs, closing the distance between us and pulling me into a bear hug.

"It's nothing too bad, right?" She mumbles into my hair, "No climbing of trees involved?"

There's definitely a tree involved. I don't tell her that. Instead, I shake my head in reply. "Nope."

With a sigh, she peers over her shoulder into the living room where my father was currently lounging and brushes my hair behind my ear.

The Way I Loved You | Tobias EatonWhere stories live. Discover now