Muffets and Waterspouts

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a/n: the title is from a line peter says in spider-man 2018 aka my favourite spider-man interpretation i can't apologize for this opinion 


Maybe it was a midlife crisis that caused Matthew Sullivan to move to New York City, a place he'd only ever seen in movies and never visited or vacationed to in his lengthy seasoned life of 23 years. He's just graduated college— He's taking a gap year.

His new apartment in Queens was obnoxiously expensive. The door was practically falling off the hinges and paint was chipped off the sides to reveal wood that was stained with something greenish brown. It smelled of old fish in the tiny cramped kitchen but burnt hair in the bedroom, and sometimes when he listened closely he thought he could hear the mice in the walls screaming because even they knew the place was a dump.

But it was his dump. So he positioned what little furniture he had in the place and then made a dining table of cardboard boxes, and he felt excited for the first time in a long time. He couldn't wait to make some friends, meet some people...

It was his first week in the city when he's in a job interview, sitting in the waiting room. For some reason, these interviews run long, because he's been sitting for forty minutes now and everyone around him is equally as antsy.

He turns to the person on his left, a woman who looks even younger than he is, and clears his throat awkwardly. "Long interview, am I right?"

The woman blinks in surprise, then narrows her eyes. "You must be new."


"Did you just move here?" She questions suspiciously.

How the hell—

"Yeah," Matt says dumbly. "I'm new. Moved in last week, actually. How did you know?"

"Because you decided to talk to strangers."


"Here's your first lesson," she says, holding her hand up. "Street smarts. Don't talk to people. Let them mind their own business, and you mind yours, and you won't get hurt."

Matt widens his eyes, committing the lesson to memory. "Oh. Uh... okay."

He turns away from the girl and sits back in his chair, ramrod straight and letting his limbs sit stiffly beside him. He focuses his attention desperately onto the news, playing on a small television in the corner of the news.

Spider-Man. The legendary Queens hero. It's a live feed of him trying to get a cat out of a tree.

His Ma isn't a fan. Everytime Spider-Man ended up in the news, she would purse her lips and say something about there wasn't any way someone could be that kind while concealing their identity. "It isn't how the world works," she said to him one morning. "I don't trust it."

("But Ma, he works with Iron Man! You have a total crush on Tony Stark."

"That's not the point, Matthew.")

The girl sighing beside her broke him from his thoughts.

"He's really awesome," the girl beside him speaks up, completely ignoring her first lesson. "I talked to him for the first time today. You wouldn't even believe it."

Matt turns to her quickly. "Woah. Really?"

She nods with the energy only someone hopped up on caffeine could give. "Yeah. He did my makeup on the subway."

"No he didn't."

"He did!" She insists. She moved up in her chair. "I swear it! I was late for my interview, and I was absolutely freaking out, my hands were shaking so bad and I was basically crying over my foundation— and he was sitting across from me but I was so out of my mind I didn't even realize till he came up to me and asked if I needed help. Apparently Spidey knows how to put on foundation. He said he knew because he hides his bruises out of the mask."

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