Hooked on a Secret

639 31 16

Spooktober 15: Hooked

a/n: ever seen ahhh... dead by daylight?

⚠️tw: canon-typical violence again whoopsie⚠️ 

"Alright, so what the hell do you want?" Tony snapped. "Information? Money for a stick-up-your-ass removal surgery? I know a great doctor."

The light in the filthy basement was dim. The whole thing smelt of rotten meat. Dust and plumes of dirt were thick in the air, it coated each breath with a dryness that tickled the lungs. Tony glared at the masked figure with squinted eyes.

The figure didn't respond. Didn't even tilt their head. The person stared blankly at him, unmoving, silent, looming, threatening. Too bad Tony didn't feel very threatened; frankly, he was just pissed.

After so many therapy-inducing life experiences, Tony really thought he had improved his security protocols to prevent this kind of thing from ever happening again. Seriously, how many times did a guy need to be kidnapped before he learned how to properly avoid it?

"My old buddy Stane was a lot better at this than you," Tony prompted. "This is just embarrassing for you."

"Spider-Man," the person said.

Tony's mouth fell shut.

"Tell me his identity."

Something dark and protective twisted in Tony's chest. He grinned sharply at the figure. "That's what you want to know? Really? My endless amount of knowledge, and you want to know about the identity of some low-tier hero?"

The lie faltered as it crossed over his teeth. He silently cursed. Everyone had their weaknesses, and Tony's would always be the people he cared for.

The figure swooped forward, lifting him up by the collar of his suit with immense strength.

Tony stared back challengingly. "Seriously. You'll probably have time to get one piece of information out of me before someone bursts through that door, this is the one you're going with?"

The figure's hands tightened around his collar.

"Why do you care, huh?" Tony kept talking, trying to buy himself time, if nothing else. There was no way in hell he was giving the kid's identity, even if it meant him dying with his lips sewn shut. "Did you lose someone? Did Spidey not get there in time, so now you have some homicidal grudge? Why don't you grow up, instead of dressing up like a 90s hacker and—"

The figure yanked Tony around to the other side of the basement, his feet dragging uselessly on the creaking wood while he struggled against the grip on his collar.

"Oh, you didn't like that?" Tony wheezed, his chest tight. He tried to pull away, his eyes flicking around the dark basement for anything that he could use to get him out of this situation. No such luck.

"Talk," the figure demanded. "Last chance, or I determine there is no use to you."

"If I had a dime every time I was told that," Tony quipped. "Listen, he's a nobody, alright? Just some guy with superpowers, that happens to work with the Avengers occasionally. Don't even know his name. I know he's a massive nerd though, you'd probably get along."

"Liar," the figure hissed. "I know you know who he is."

"Sorry, you must have heard wrong," Tony clicked his tongue in a drawn-out sympathy. "That really sucks for you, huh? Went through all this effort, and for no good reason. Oh well, better luck next—"

Tony was hitched upward and shoved back. He instantly choked on an involuntary yell, his head jerking downwards to look at the ripping pain in his shoulder.

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