Minnie's Cupcakes and (S)takeout

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Spooktober 24: Serial

The vents of Minnie's Cupcakes smells like vanilla and almond, and Peter's back is starting to cramp up from how long he's been stuck there.

He got a tip from someone he saved the other day: a drug bust gone wrong. Someone had leant out their window after cops showed up, called him over to explain that they see stuff go down in the shop all the time when the lights went out for the night.

He didn't really have much else to go with, and Spidey's reputation wouldn't be any worse with some light BnE on his card— especially if nobody knew about it. So he snuck in through the vents, and he's been waiting very patiently ever since for something to happen.

So far, nothing has. If Minnie's Cupcakes was a front for drugs, then it was a terrible one.

Peter can hear maybe three employees still in the building. They're all cleaning, the first one organizing tables, the other two in the kitchens, arguing over recipes. They've been at it for fifteen minutes.

He's pretty close to dropping down from the ceiling and just getting involved himself, because, really, you don't need to mix the egg and sugar first, it all gets mixed anyways. He's on Possible Drug Dealer 2's side, here.

Recipe squabbles aside, he knows he's supposed to stay quiet, because whether they're actually criminals working a front or not, crawling out of the vents isn't a good look for him. He's either going to be shot at or he'll have the cops on his spandex, and he really can't decide which is worse.

"This is just so like you," Possible Drug Dealer 2 scoffs. "Everything always has to be your way, all the time. It's always an argument with you!"

"Because you always make it an argument!" Possible Drug Dealer 3 yells. "It's impossible to work with you, you just can't admit you're wrong!"

Peter drums his fingers against his wrist, sighing quietly. This is like purgatory. Hell, even. This is cruel and unusual. Why is he doing this, again?

His phone buzzes, and his eyes widen comically. He quickly and awkwardly wrestles it out from the pocket on his leg. Luckily, Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum are too caught up in their heated conversation to notice the noise.

MJ's texted him. He smiles, his chest lifting.

em! 🖤

hi are you on patrol rn [8:23pm]

yes but im doing and a stakeout and am so bored please distract me from my responsibilities [8:23pm]

lol. [8:23pm]

what's the stakeout for? just wanted to be like peralta for a day? [8:23pm]

yep. you caught me [8:24pm]

i knew it [8:24pm]

i'm currently in the vents of minnies cupcakes [8:24pm]

for legal reasons thags a joke [8:24pm]

the one in bklyn? wtf you really are peralta [8:24pm]

i said u caught me!!! [8:25pm]

anyways what's up do u need me to swing by [8:25pm]

Technically, Peter is in the middle of a stakeout.

Technically, he doesn't care. If MJ needs him for something, no matter how stupid, he's gonna blink and be halfway across the city entirely by accident.

nothing important [8:25pm]

new video came out [8:25pm]

oh nice!! which channel [8:26pm]

They started this new thing about a month ago. MJ had been watching some true crime video documentary in the background while they studied, and Peter had totally got sucked into it— and after a lot of convincing on Peter's part, now they watch stuff together.

MJ picks the videos, usually, because she always knows what's going to be interesting— and she never picks anything that's too barbaric. She's able to watch a lot of the really dark stuff, while Peter, as they learned one unfortunate night, is not.

If you asked him, though, this was a win-win situation. MJ knew a lot about a lot of things. If Peter wanted to know, for some reason, about pretty much any infamous serial killer, MJ would be able to give him the details without any of the gore— and she'd be weirdly happy about telling him.

(If you asked him, he'd tell you that, sometimes he asked just to hear her talk.)

wendigoon [8:26pm]

when you wrap up with patrol do you want to come over and watch with me [8:26pm]

or tomorrow or something it's no big deal [8:26pm]

no, no illbe there!! 😍 [8:27pm]

a👍** [8:27pm]

SOrrymy bad👍i meaant htis [8:27pm]

Peter wants to put his fingers in a washing machine until the spin cycle teaches them a lesson about disrespecting him like this. His face is so red he could make a fairly decent impression of Minnie's Cupcakes red velvet batter.

it's ok lol [8:27pm]

👍 [8:27pm]

when r u finishing up? i want to see if i can get another book of the odyssey in [8:27pm]

go for it! im gonna give these doofuses until 9:00 tonight, if they don't do anything ill come back tmrw later at like 10 or smth [8:28pm]

okay lol. see you then. have fun and text me if anything funny happens [8:28pm]

ill just tell you in person!! see you soon :-) [8:28pm]

He clicks the power button on his phone, his stupid grin remaining on his face. Even as the employees scream at each other beneath him, he feels like he could burst from joy.

"And that's why you're not invited to family dinners anymore! You can't just stick spoons up your nose at my father's house! Those were antiques, and it wasn't a funny prank!"

... Clearly he missed big parts of that argument.

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