Google, my kid is sick?

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Spooktober 11: Poison

⚠️TW: emetophobia, slight alcoholism mention⚠️

[pete parkley: sos can u pick me up from school]

[pete parkley: stuck in school bathroom my insides are turning inside out]

Tony frowned deeply and picked up his phone, scooting away from his desk. He stood up and headed towards the elevators without thinking.

[tiny stank: Omw]

[tiny stank: May?]

Tony watched the responding dots show up and disappear for the next two minutes before Peter finally responded. Naturally, the worry he had increased from this fact.

[pete parkley: work]

[pete parkley: sorry my face is shoved in a public highschool bathroom's toilet rn]

[pete parkley: bad day]

Tony winced in sympathy. The elevator dinged and he stepped out, leaving the compound and getting into the car. He turned the key into the engine.

[tiny stank: What happened?]

[tiny stank: Patrol-related?]

[pete parkley: no]

[pete parkley: school lunch is not settling well]

Now, that was surprising. Not the school lunch part, but the part about anything not settling well in Peter's stomach. He's seen the kid gobble up enough food to fill a small family on more than one occasion, it never left a dent on his iron gut.

That being said, if anything were to unsettle the digestive system of even the strongest willed, it would be school food.

[tiny stank: Hang in there, kiddo.]

He turned his phone off and threw it over to the passenger seat, then drove off the Compound's lawn. He's mentally turning over all he knew about taking care of someone who was sick, which was very lackluster considering his usual role in such a situation was the former.

Maybe that could work in his favour, though. The kid had some kind of food poisoning, so... he was throwing up, right? Right. That was something Tony was uncomfortably comfortable with. He's had his fair share of late nights and amber bottles. He knew how to take care of vomit.

Rest, dark rooms, no noise, setting up refuge close to the bathroom, and water— lots and lots of water. Easy-peasy.

He showed up thirty minutes later, and when he steps into the office, he can hear a horrible distant retching from the nurse's office. He noted with a wince that Peter must have relocated from the school bathroom, then.

He walked up to desk, shaded glasses firmly on his face and a hood pulled over his head. "Hi. I'm here to sign Peter out."

"Oh, uh, yes." The receptionist stared at him with the faintest bit of starstruck, but handed him the clipboard. "He'll be happy to get out of here, I suspect. You can go get him, if you'd like."

Tony nodded once. He walked around the desk and into the office, pulling the door open quietly.

"Hey, kid?" Tony called out. He turned the corner and knocked on the door to the very small bathroom in the nurse's office. "I'm here, you ready to dip?"

A miserable groan was his reply, followed by the sound of a toilet flushing. A moment later the door creaked open.

The kid looked as rough as he expected, half-lidded eyes, a pallid face with spit around his mouth and sweat gathered on his forehead. He wiped his face on the sleeve of his sweater as he shivered and shook, wavering on his own knees.

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