Chapter 6

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hey guys........ i'm to sad for notes.......🥀🥀🖤🖤💔💔

y/n's pov

the next day, adrien rode his motorcycle into my room.

"hey." he said, parking his motorcycle right beside my bed.

"h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-hey." i said.

"are you wearing the same clothes from yesterday? they look old." he asked. omg!!! he noticed my clothes!! my angel boy cares about me!!!

"y-y-y y-y-y-y-yeah. the stupid d-d-doctors w-w-wanted me to w-wear a g-g-g-gown. it was t-t-t-too girly." i said.

"oh. here, wear my clothes." he instantly took off his shirt, showing his gleaming 107 pack of abs. i put it on, and it was so big on my .47 inch body it went down to my knees. he put on his leather jacket, but that didn't stop his pecs gleaming in the led hospital lights.

author's note: hubba hubba 😍😍

i threw my 6 foot cascade of hair into a messy bun, and sat back down. i blinked my ocean sky cerulean navy sapphire orbs. adrien,,,,,,,,,, he looked so perfect.

then, mason walked in with a plate of toast.

"hey y/n. i got you breakfast." he said, passing it to me. It had bacon and eggs on it, making a smiley face. he glared at adrien. adrien flashed his teeth at mason, growling.

"t-t-t-thanks." i said, taking a bite.

mason sat on the chair, on the opposite side of the room as adrien.

"so.... wanna watch tv or something?" adrien asked, running a hand through his raven-dark hair.

"n-n-n-n-n-n-no.... i'd rather read a book instead....... since i-i-i'm not l-like other girls." i said, pulling out my copy of Rainbow Magic: evelyn the mermicorn fairy.

"i-i-i-i love this b-b-b-b-book..... she's so g-g-girl p-p-p-power!!" i said, hugging it to my chest. i looked at the toast mason brought me that i took a bite out of. it was a 0.1 inch bite, so i was stuffed.

all of a sudden, Doctor Gueco came in with the doctor i had seen yesterday, the one with the curly hair and the bun.

"hi y/n. this is my colleague and your other doctor, Doctor Caswell." Doctor Caswell waved.

then, doctor gueco elbowed doctor caswell.

author's note: these drs are so annoying 🙄🙄

"do i really have to talk to her? she's so... ew." she whispered.

then, adrien growled at Doctor Caswell. mason started to bark.

"g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-guys....i-i-it's okay...." i said. they both stopped, sitting down.

"that's why you don't insult them. you might get rabies." doctor gueco whispered. they cleared their throat, gesturing for doctor caswell to talk.

author's note: omg i hate these doctors 🙄🙄🙄

"y/n, i'm afraid we have some bad news. we ran tests, and when these two- head butted you, they broke your heart. the only way we can fix this is by getting a heart transplant." Doctor Caswell said, showing me some pictures on her clipboard,

"We'll give you some time to process." Doctor Gueco said.

"you think her boyfriends are trained?" they whispered as the doctors walked away.

"no, we should call animal control." doctor caswell whispered back.

author's note: they're so mean to golden retriever boy mason and black cat bad boy adrien like stfu 🤬😡😠

broken heart? i have a broken heart? all because my two best friends hate each other...

mason hugged me tight, but it hurt.

"o-ow..." i said.

adrien exploded, barking at him.

"this is all your fault!" he snarled. "you hurt y/n!" he tackled mason, and mason bit his arms.

omg.... they really do hate each other...... i thought.

soon security came in and told them to keep it down or else. mason had to leave for school, and when i tried to talk to adrien, he and his motorcycle crashed through the window. it's ok, he has daddy issues.

i was curled up, reading evelyn the mermicorn fairy.

"food for y/n y/ln?"a girl asked me.

"t-t-t-t-thats me." i said.

"y/n? hi, remember me? i'm bethaniffaneigh." she said, bringing over my food.

oh! she was part of the group of bullies! oh. she was part of the group of bullies.

"y-y-y-y-you" i said, but started to cough.

"woah, take it easy. don't worry, i'm nothing like elizabeth and her gang." she smiled. "you okay?"

i shook my head, putting my book down. "n-n-n-n-no... i-i-i-i i-i have a broken heart...." i said.

bethaniffaneigh frowned, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"i'm so sorry."

we ended up talking until she had to go home, and she wished me goodnight before she left.


bethaniffaneigh's pov

y/n was so sweet. once you got to know her without mason or adrien, she was amazing. even attractive...

a girl that amazing needed a heart. and.... bethaniffaneigh made a promise when she was little, to help people in anyway she could.

before she left, she found Doctor Caswell.

"Oh, hey bethaniffaneigh. what's up?" she asked.

"hi, uh- your patient, y/n y/ln? does she have a heart donor?" i

doctor caswell sighed. "no, not yet. we're running out of time to find one, unfortunately."

"can... can i be her heart donor?" i asked. doctor caswell's eyes widened.

"i- are you sure?" she asked, scooting closer to me.

"i need to see y/n better. i'm sure." i said.

In Love With A Bad Boy (y/n x male oc) SATIREWhere stories live. Discover now