Chapter 4

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I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I could only stare at Mr. and Mrs. West, Jesper's last words echoing, forevermore, in my head. "'It... was a... a great honor... to serve you, Princess.'" Seeing his parents brought back all the emotions and feelings I'd been suppressing since the attack. Anger, pain, regret, sadness, grief. Hot tears gushed down my cheeks, my hands shaking as I wept.

They must have been talking, but I couldn't hear them. I couldn't hear anything except Jesper's last words. When Kai put his arms around my shoulders, I dimly heard Mrs. West's voice, edged with concern. "Are you okay, dear?"

I took a shuddering breath, shoving the pain and grief down to where they couldn't touch me. I opened my mouth to answer, but Mr. West spoke before I could. "Where's Jesper?"

Kai's grip on my shoulders tightened as I looked up at him. His face was lined with grief, but he wore a solemn expression. I opened my mouth, breath hitching as I struggled to form words. "T—there was an attack," I began. New tears formed in my eyes, blurring my vision. "Everything happened so fast. Jesper came to warn us, but—but he—" My voice broke.

I felt Mrs. West's heart break, the pain and agony in her expression mirroring my own. Her face crumpled, tears rushing down her cheeks. Mr. West was more composed, but his grief was written on his face. "I'm so sorry," I choked out.

A commotion at the front of the hallway made me flinch. I looked toward the noise, but could only make out the purple-and-grey uniforms of the guards. "Please," a familiar voice was saying. Begging. "I need to see the princess. Let me through!"

My heart stopped dead in my chest. "Aunt Bella!" I cried, pushing through the guards. I gripped her arms, scanning her face. Aside from some silt and dried blood on her cheek, she appeared to be uninjured. Her clothes were covered in blood, hands trembling as she reached for me.

The grief and rage in her eyes all but stole the water from my lungs. "What happened? Is Uncle David okay? Where are Faye and Drew?" I knew I was rambling, but I couldn't stop myself.

She shook her head, eyes glistening with tears. "They're back in Pelathas. They're safe. But, Izzy..." she trailed off, swiping at her eyes. "Jay... he's..." A sob escaped her throat. My heart lurched to a stop, my body reacting a heartbeat before my mind. I spun around, looking frantically for the shock of brown hair, the broad shoulders. He was gone.

I turned back to Kai, eyes filled with panic. "He was just here," I said, my voice rising in fear. A loud crack suddenly sounded above us, everyone looking at the ceiling. Huge cracks spiderwebbed the concrete, growing in size by the second. Remembering last time, I spoke quickly. "Get everyone out. Hurry. Make sure every room is empty."

He grabbed my arm, halting me. My breath caught in my throat, nearly choking me. There was no time to waste. "What are you going to do?" His voice was steady, but the undercurrent of fear in it made my heart skip a beat.

I took his face in my hands and kissed it. He gripped me tightly, neither of us letting go for a few seconds. I finally broke the kiss, tears filling my eyes. "I have to find Dad. I love you."

Agony flickered in his eyes at the words. He swallowed hard, nodding. "I love you, too." He turned back around and ushered Mr. and Mrs. West back through the hallway.

The palace groaned, and I held my breath. When nothing happened, I continued swimming. I passed the servant's quarters, the dining room—all empty. Every room had sustained some level of damage.

My heart was in my throat as I swam. "Dad?" I called, trying to keep my voice level. "Can you hear me?"

My chest was heaving, but my breathing was silent as I waited, hoping against hope to hear his voice. "Dad? Please, if you can hear me, answer. Please." My voice broke.

Finally, just as I was going to give up and head back to Kai, I heard a groan, followed by the sound of scraping. A dozen mermaids and mermen rushed by me, covered in silt and bruises. I looked past them, a strangled cry escaping my throat. Dad floated dazedly in front of me, his eyes glassy. A large gash on his forehead leaked blood, but he didn't seem to notice.

From the looks of the damage, they'd all been trapped under a fallen piece of concrete. I gripped his arms, tears flowing freely down my face. "Can you swim?" I asked. He just stared at me. I carefully put his arm around my shoulders, taking a breath.

Grief squeezed my heart in a poisonous fist, causing tears to form in my eyes. First Jesper, now this—I wasn't sure how much more I could take. Rage quickly pushed aside grief, turning my mood black. Even in death, Uncle Brandon would stop at nothing until I—and everyone I loved—was dead. Aunt Naia had only been his accomplice, but she deserved to pay.

In my haze of rage, I barely registered swimming back to their suite and handing Dad to a shocked Mom. Her eyes darted from my face to his, but she didn't say anything. Her unspoken words were written on her face. Where are you going?

I gripped the hilts of the daggers at my waist, turning back to face her. "I'm going to finish this." My voice was filled with so much hatred, so much pain, that I didn't recognize it.

I was done letting Aunt Naia destroy everything. I was done letting her ruin my life. She was going to answer for her crimes. I'd make sure of it. When I looked at the blood on my hands, on my clothes, it only fueled my rage.

It was only when I'd reached Aegrem's border, the rage dulling enough for rational thought to penetrate, that I realized I had no idea where to find her. She'd been banned from Pelathas and Aegrem, but I wasn't sure if she'd been seen in Nepptheas.

I was readying myself for the long, trying swim when I heard movement behind me. My daggers were already in my hands as I whirled, catching the frightened mermaid under the chin. Turquoise eyes filled with fear met mine. "Please," she said, wincing slightly as the tip of one of the daggers drew blood. "I—I can help you."

Her face vaguely registered in the haze of rage that had settled over me. Aurora Blackwood. She used to be one of Aunt Naia's ladies-in-waiting. I reluctantly sheathed my daggers, but didn't take my eyes off her. "Okay. Where is she?"

I tried my hardest to focus as she spoke, but my mind quickly turned back to grief and rage. This was more than a grudge. This was war. I intended to fight until my last breath—until my family and my realm were safe. I couldn't—wouldn't—lose anyone else.

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