Chapter 13

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My hands are hovering over the daggers at my sides as I slowly turn in a circle, my eyes searching the clearing. Seaweed and rocks surround me, no signs of any life anywhere, except the occasional sea creature swimming by. When I hear my name, I whirl around, my heart jumping into my throat. "Izzy?"

A young merman is in front of me, eyes locked on my face. I scan him for any signs of harm, but thankfully find none. "What are you doing out here? Where are your parents, your sister?" Worry and unease stab at me. Something's wrong. He wouldn't just come out here alone like this.

An unfamiliar voice speaks up from behind me, making me start. "Good job, Drew. Now, go to your sister. Tell her to come back here and bring the king and queen with her." Drew's face is calm; his eyes find mine once before he quickly swims away.

Despite the fear gnawing at me, the blood pounding in my ears, I hold my head high as I slowly turn around. "Who are you?" The merman in front of me is tall, with thinning dark blond hair and eyes the color of the sea. The lines etched on his face make me think he's around Dad's age.

"My name is Jacob Mercer." As the words leave his mouth, I freeze. He's Faye, Ella, and Drew's father. Their biological father.

"Please," I say, squeezing my hands into fists to hide their shaking. "I'll do whatever you want. Just, please don't hurt them."

His next words make my blood run cold. "I'm not going to hurt them. I want to go after who killed my wife and daughter. And I could use your help." His eyes gleam with tears as he finishes speaking.

A small voice in the very back of my head is warning me against trusting him, that it could be—and quite possibly is—a trap. But as I study him—his wide eyes, the tears nearly spilling over, his fists clenched tightly at his sides—I realize he's telling the truth. He knows he's made mistakes in the past—in his own life and others'—but he's genuinely trying to make up for them.

I'm so shocked by this revelation that I don't notice anyone approaching until a hand appears on my arm. Aunt Bella is motionless beside me, eyes locked on the merman in front of us. Faye is clutching her hand tightly, eyes wide with fear. Uncle David just stares at him. "Are you okay, Isadora?" Aunt Bella asks quietly.

I can't answer. My mind is still stuck on the bombshell that just dropped, the implications of it. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Uncle David pull Drew close, murmuring to him.

Drew suddenly speaks up, his voice strong. "You promise you won't hurt my family?" Clearly he remembers his biological father's past well.

I feel more than see Jacob's wince as the words find their mark. He's staring at Drew with such regret and longing in his eyes that it nearly takes my breath away. Uncle David glances from Drew to Jacob, questions in his gaze.

A moment passes before Jacob speaks, his voice tight with unshed tears. "Yes. You have my word, Drew."

That's when I woke up, my throat tight with unshed tears of my own. I knew that their father was still alive, but I thought they hadn't heard from or spoken to him in years. I glanced at the window, noting the position of the sun. Hopefully breakfast was still being served.

I got dressed quickly, pausing in front of the mirror, staring at my cheek. The scar was almost completely healed, but the skin was still tender. I swam to the dining room, my mind racing. The first and most obvious thing to do was tell someone, but who?

Aunt Bella and Uncle David were the clear options, given that they were now Drew and Faye's parents. Mom and Dad? They'd been with them longer than Aunt Bella and Uncle David, after all.

My head was swimming, my stomach in knots when I swam to our table, a thin smile plastered on my face. I spoke only when spoken to, too distracted by the dream to come up with a proper response. I vaguely heard Kai talking about a cometball game that he'd heard about.

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