Chapter 27

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I'm swimming through an open door and into the pitch-black entryway of a house. A sputtering lava torch is in my hand, but it's only giving off a dim glow now. It won't last long. A chill runs down my spine as I shut the door and swim further into the house.

I turn in a slow circle. The torch's glow shows me floating in a well-furnished living room, complete with a couch, coffee table, and chairs placed strategically around the former. I can't explain it, but I feel like I've been here before. I quickly shake my head, dismissing the thought almost as quickly as it came.

That's impossible. I was born in Aegrem. This house definitely isn't in Aegrem. A sudden noise behind me makes me flinch, whirling around and trying not to cry out.

Two young mermaids swim into the house, one clutching keys and the other empty-handed. The former runs a hand through her hair, looking frazzled as she closes the door and locks it, like she forgot about something. When she turns around, an older mermaid is in front of them, frowning.

I'm in Nepptheas. This is a memory. But whose? And what could it possibly have to show me?

I clap my hand over my mouth to muffle the shriek that is seconds away from escaping, but realize a heartbeat later that no one can hear me. It's my aunts and their mother. My grandmother. Tears fill my eyes, spilling down my cheeks. "Has she come out of her room at all since I've been gone?" The concern in the latter's voice chills me down to my core.

I can do nothing but stare, silent tears rolling down my cheeks. Aunt Naia casts a worried glance at her sister. Aunt Meri shakes her head. "No. I brought food from the Ocean Café, but I don't know if she's eaten." I wonder who she's talking about, but my unspoken question is quickly answered.

A long hallway branches off the living room, with several doors on each side. One of those suddenly opens and both of them turn toward the sound. Another mermaid slowly emerges from what I assume is a bedroom.

This time, I make no effort to stifle the sob that escapes. It doesn't matter. No one can hear me.

Mom looks awful. Her eyes are red-rimmed and bloodshot, a pretty heavy indicator she's been crying. The spark that is normally present in them is nowhere to be found. She glances at her mother and sisters and opens her mouth, but a sob comes out instead. Her shoulders are slumped, her head bowed as she cries.

My grandmother moves closer to her oldest daughter, gently placing a hand on her arm. "Nerissa?" That one word is simultaneously filled with such hope and fear that my heart completely stops beating.

Mom makes no indication that she hears her name. She only flinches at the contact, looking up at her mother. "Mom?" Her voice is so cracked and broken and rough that I lose all control of my body and sink down to the ground. From what I can tell, she seems to be unharmed, but I notice what's wrong even before she does.

I've heard the story so many times I know it by heart. Even though none of us were present, the consequences are pretty obvious. My grandmother lets out a choked gasp, tears springing to her eyes. Mom's eyes are shining with tears, confusion on her face. My aunts' faces are streaked with tears as they move closer to their mother and sister. When the knock sounds on the front door, everyone except Mom flinches.

With one last, worried glance at her oldest daughter, my grandmother moves toward the door. As she floats in front of the door, she takes a moment to master herself, the sobs she's surely struggling to keep at bay. The hinges on the door creak as it opens, sunlight spilling inside to illuminate a tall merman.

He's dressed in a black shirt that hugs his well-muscled arms. I scan his neck, but the Lost Soul Pendant isn't there. What did he do with it? The worry on his face mixed with anger has me biting back the urge to scream. How dare he come here after all he's done?

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