Chapter 22

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A half-laugh, half-sob broke from my mouth as we both stared. I didn't dare take my eyes off it, but I could tell Kai was shocked, amazed. A crowd had gathered behind us, eyes trained on the miraculous sight. King Drake's words surfaced again, as if in a dream. '"The mind may forget, the body may waste away, but the heart always remembers.'"

And it did. My heart strained with the memories it contained—the good, the bad, and the ugly. I clung onto the good moments with everything I had. The excitement and joy in the water as Aunt Bella revealed the adoption certificates for Drew and Faye. Seeing the statue of Aunt Meri for the first time. Marrying Kai. Despite all the tragedy and grief that had happened in my life, there had been good moments sprinkled in here and there.

I saw all those memories and more as I stared at the sunbeam reflecting on the doors. I flinched as I felt a hand squeeze my shoulder. I didn't even have to look up to know that it was Dad. I could tell that similar memories were flashing through his own mind. Tears were glistening in his eyes, but a shaky smile bloomed on his face.

Queen Katrina was clutching Kai's hand, tears flowing down her face. Mom was beside Dad, red-rimmed eyes wide. When we finally got inside, the breakfast rush was just beginning to pick up. The five of us swam to a table near the back windows, each ordering bubble tea. None of us said anything at first, lost in our own thoughts.

"You saw him, didn't you?" The words were quiet, but filled to the brim with longing. Queen Katrina's gaze was pinned on me, eyes wide and bright.

She didn't even mention a name. We all knew who she was talking about. My heart ached, sorrow, grief, and sadness creating a knot in my stomach. Tears again filled my eyes, dripping onto the table. For a moment, I couldn't speak.

When I finally got my emotions under control, I looked up into the eyes of the mermaid who'd been a second mother to me. "Yes," I whispered, my voice thick.

She reached for my hand, clasping it between her own. "Did he..." she trailed off, swallowing hard. Knowing how difficult it had been for me only minutes ago, I didn't press her. Her voice, when it came, was a breath away from breaking. "Did he say anything to you?"

Those six words were enough to make me break down all over again. Mom and Kai squeezed my hands, Dad pressing a kiss to the top of my head. I nodded tearfully. "Yes," I repeated, my voice quavering. "He told me that seeing me and Kai together brought him so much joy." Shame filled my eyes, and I choked on a sob.

"Izzy? What is it?" Dad's voice, deep and soothing.

I took a shaky breath. "He apologized profusely for how he acted when we first met. When Kai told him about our family's past, he'd immediately written me off as not being good enough for him. Apparently, he'd been reading up on our family long before we'd even met. After he'd heard about Tiger Shark and his..." I trailed off just as he had, taking a deep breath. "Affairs, the first thing he did was make sure that his family stayed out of the crosshairs. He figured the daughter of a murderer would be just as bad as the murderer himself."

My voice broke on the last word, but I forced myself to continue. "He had no idea that Mom was going to get pregnant. It was as if he'd read the thoughts surging through my mind. 'This is where you keep your fondest memories, Izzy. The mind may forget, the body may waste away, but the heart always remembers. I feel so incredibly lucky to have you as my daughter-in-law. And I'm always with you.'"

Before I could even think to respond, the headache I'd had before returned with a vengance. When I blinked, he was gone, his words lingering in his wake. I was motionless on the ground, unspoken words waiting on my tongue. We can try to bring you back. As soon as the thought crossed my mind, however, I dismissed it."

I swiped at my eyes, breathing sharply. When the hand settled on my shoulder, I didn't even have the energy to flinch. Queen Katrina pulled me into a hug, my face buried in her hair. Her touch, the soothing way with which she stroked my curls made me break down yet again. "I'm sorry," I sobbed, my words muffled by tears. "I'm so sorry." I think she knew that I wasn't apologizing to her.

When she finally pulled away, one hand settled on my shoulder, the other lifting to my face to wipe tears away. "I miss him every day. But whenever I see you and Kai together, I can all but feel him beside me. Hear his voice, see his face." Her voice wavered, but didn't break.

My chest was rising and falling rapidly as I rose from the booth, struggling to contain and identify the maelstrom of emotions inside me. Regret. Anxiety. Grief. Sadness. Apprehension.

Kai noticed, gently taking my hand as he rose with me. "Are you okay?"

Forcing the tears back, I looked into his eyes and nodded. "I will be."

Whatever he saw in my eyes must have proved my point, because he didn't press me. Placing a kiss on my head, he released my hand. I turned to Mom, Dad, and Queen Katrina. "I have to go. But I'll be back. I promise." A sliver of shame wedged itself beside the other emotions as I held Mom's gaze.

I could see the questions, the worry in her gaze. But like Kai, she didn't press me. She only nodded, kissing me on the forehead.

The tears began anew, blurring my vision and making my chest hitch. I allowed myself a minute to get it out of my system, then squared my shoulders and continued swimming. Despite my tear-stained cheeks, my eyes were clear.

I swam in a daze, my body somehow knowing the destination before it had so much as crossed my mind. When the manor loomed in the distance, my heart began racing, thudding loudly in my ears. I could all but hear Dad's voice, urging me to turn back.

I almost did—until I saw the tendrils of blonde hair in their usual updo, the black-and-white spotted tail. Aunt Naia's back was to me, something clenched in her fists. She was speaking softly, so I could just barely make out the hitch in her voice. When I cleared my throat, she flinched, whirling around to face me.

It was then that I noticed what she had in her hands—two wedding rings. Her face was flushed, eyes gleaming with tears. "I—It was the least I could do." Moving slightly to the left, she revealed two gravestones, each one with writing etched in the stone. Here lies Lachlan Isaiah Singh, loving husband and father. A light in the darkness and a soul whose life was taken from these waters far too soon. May he feel no pain as his soul rests for eternity.

The next one was just as heart-wrenching. Here lies Talia Imogen Singh, loving mother and wife. A light in the darkness and a soul whose life was taken from these waters far too soon. May she feel no pain as her soul rests for eternity.

Tears filled my eyes, spilling down my cheeks with the force of a dozen rogue waves. When I heard a small gasp behind me, I flinched. Mom was motionless in the water, a trembling hand hovering over her mouth. Tears gleamed in her eyes, threatening to spill down her cheeks.

Dad was beside her, clutching her free hand tightly. Aunt Naia swam to her sister, a sob breaking from her lips as she hugged her tightly. For a moment, their statuses didn't matter. They were just two sisters, mourning the loss of their parents.

Again, I heard King Drake's voice in my head, filling my heart, my soul. "'Treasure the time you have with your family, Isadora. Don't take one moment for granted. Live each day like it's your last.'"

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