|. |Mental Torture Chapter|. |10

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|. |OK  WARNING!!!


|. | TIME: 7:15am, February 5th.

"I WILL SAY THIS ONCE MORE! WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE OTHERS YOU DISGUSTING VERMIN!". A male shouted, right into Paul's face, Kimberly full of fear as she was held back by her hair. "TALK OR I FUCKING MAKE YOU!". Paul grinned, blood dripping from his nose and mouth, spitting into the policeman's face, "I'll never talk to anyone for the likes you or Channing!". Kimberly's eyes were now seen, blood dripping from her forehead, she looked at the policemen, wanting to move but she couldn't. The policeman smirked, looking into Paul's face, staring almost. "Fine if you won't talk, I'll have someone make you.". The officer smirked, walking out, also shooting Paul in the hand in the process, causing him to scream, holding his in the other. A woman appeared, knee high boots, tights, reddish skirt and a white and bloody turtleneck blazer. It was Heahburg, Channing's lass. Leader of the police force and made sure that everything was in order. Paul's eyes made fear, fright. She held him by the head, looking deeply into his eyes. Her mind, savage and inside her mind. Before slamming his head against the integration table, causing it to bleed a little. "So you won't talk? It's not like we know that very well Paul, you're nothing but a form of scum. But I'm aware of your greatest fears.".

The woman grin grew, her pupils wide, staring almost, turning to the other officers. They nodded, placing some sort of hat on Paul's head, locking it up tight. Kimberly looked at her, " WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?! GET OFF HIM!! GET OFF HIM RIGHT NOW!". Is all she says before getting kicked in the stomach by one of the officers, blood dripping from her mouth, leaving her on the other table. "K-Kimberly...". Is all he says before going faint and waking up in a different room. He woke in a menagerie, sat still, his hands tied to the chair, keeping the hat thing on, his eyes widening, hearing the barks and howls of the wild animals around him. Heahburg laughed from the other window, her smile never faded, her eyes staring. "Now. ".

She places her hands together. "Are you willing to communicate? Because if not. I'm not afraid of doing something I'm not afraid of.". She played with her tone of voice, placing her hand on a lever. Paul smirked, his face disgusted. "Make me, you stupid ass bitch. ". The woman grinned, looking at him, "Very well, that's a nice surprise isn't it now? "You always start fidgeting and slurring your words whenever you lie .". Flipping the lever, an electrical current went through the wires and into Paul's hat type thing, causing him to freak out and scream as the currents went through his body, "Electric shock therapy. That is what it is called, Mr.Murphy.". 

The woman spoke as it was breaking his mind down mentally, a policeman holding a hound on a leash near him in the process. Did I ever tell you he hated hounds after what happened to his mother? I didn't? Well, hounds were the reason his mother died, he was five when that happened. It was causing him to scream his lungs out, "Do it to Kimberly!! Not me! Kimberly! I don't care what you do to her!". The hound barked as it grew closer to his face, the current increased speed. Enough to kill a man. His eyes started to tear up and drip with blood from the shock therapy, his head was bleeding heavily. The hound grew close, before ripping off his leg, chewing it like a squeaky toy, the male screamed but coughed at the same time, blood leaking from his mouth while he coughed. To recant or confess the truth. The therapy ended off with a bang, electrical sparks in every direction and where. His eyes exploded out their sockets, still attached to the retinas. His jaw wide and full of blood, his head shifted forward, blood dripping out. He was dead, dead as a doorknob, the man was gone, Kimberly was unconscious, they left her there like that. The woman smiled walking off, looking at the blood on the window. "Take the whore home. She doesn't need to see this or know that this either happened.".

The policemen nodded, carrying Kimberly's unconscious body back into the ungrateful dirty world, chucking her into the street, only the rats and the cannibals could find her now, her mind was gone, she had no memories, only hurtful things stuck her mind.... One of them was guilt and the other was anger....but she was dead within seconds due to her injuries. She saw the world end, she never got her freedom, neither did Paul....they died with no sense of the world around them collapsing with plague and cannibalism with lies to hold it all together, nothing more.

///Poor Paul and Kimberly, they're dead now I'm afraid, they tried to run far but they couldn't , Alexander told Channing about them! That little shit XD, he's a monster in a human form so I'm not really surprised why he told them their location but killing the vermin was a bit harsh!  What do you know? 932 words, that's a lotta words!! But hey enjoy this chapter, it was so damn worth it!!///

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