The silhouette in the village |Chapter 13|

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The Silhouette In The Village |Chapter 13|

The Grim Stalkers, or if you believe our responsibility  with the Happiness-Chasers?  No? Let me tell you a story, the village green preservation, mind's eye or an unknown reason. More of that in their ideal world. Expressions of the Happiness-Chasers find their happiness drugs, a form of getting away from it all,  they open their third eye, an eye of seeing everything look better. Viramotine was the drug, a drug of lies. A torn poster advertised it in the lower districts. Harrow,Romford, it was stained in blood as it looked like it was ripped by hand. The poster was of a tall Englishman in a suit, holding a pill to his mouth and a giant eye protracted on a television. It had an...unnerving feeling to it, with a once shown phrase at the bottom to the male's memory,  "I couldn't feel anymore better. Could you?". The streets of former Londoners, stained in either blood or the smell of decay,not even wondering why everyone had left.

Ethan Davies used to walk down those districts with his younger brother,  however many things changed, sometimes knocking on people's doors on their houses in their youth,  people dashing back and forth,  before...well, they had a forced way of living.  Many people didn't have much of a sharp instinct when Channing came to power, not after Margaret Thatcher's final time as prime minister, traditionally,  the Queen wasn't there for that ceremony,  she was killed by the madness forecasted by the friends of Channing.  Not everyone saw it coming, not a lot anyway,  not with the madness affair, nor even the remaining members of Eton College saw that being torn to its roots from the ground up. Not everyone understood.

  The male left the train underground,  the tube station smelt of smoke and damp,  old blood, wherever possible in most cases really.  It was like pieces of a puzzle that counted each person together. Ethan's eyes met the torn posters of Viramotine. A male sat in a pool of blood, he was barely alive,  his hand clenching a pistol,  his face covered by a broken masquerade mask,  his eyes dark brown,  freckles over his torn cheeks, he was in a blue suit, it was ripped in places,  its sleeve torn off,  his scarf tied across his neck, his blonde mod style haircut messy, he was a junkie,  he woke up, getting himself up weakly, taking his last Viramotine pill, the pill was blue and red, his eyes grew wide as he smiled under his cracked masquerade mask,  he twitched as he scattered left and right, running like he saw something he did not like,  he didn't like the light of the London underground. "Shit.". Ethan thought, "He's got the blight. So sad for a former Happiness-Chaser...". The other male turned to him, his pistol in hand,  "Ethan, D-Davis.  Ethan.  Ethan, Ethan!! Left m-me to die did you?! Didn't all of you leave all of us to die?!!". The thin male ran towards him, his pale and sickly skin grabbing him with one hand,  the man had snapped, he vomited blood, Ethan hesitated before kicking the other away,  struggling with a fight on his hands, the male shot at him, right into his shoulder,  the male shouted, clenching his wounded shoulder,  a sound of an air strike hit, "Ah fuck!". Ethan muttered,  sorting his wound with a cloth. The other turned and twisted, his voice fading, "C-come on Davis. Show's over.".   The male grew panicked,  the other had finally lost his humanity,  they pounced onto him,  his mouth foaming, his growled and twitched, his eyes like they faded, the blight finally took over him, hunting his mind, they tried to rip Ethan apart,  rip him to shreds. Little by little

Was this the last of Ethan Davies? No.

"Let him the fuck go!". That voice was Stephen's,  Stephen Sterling,  the other looked at him, it growled and went to a rampage,  walking to the foaming monster of a former friend, " I SAID LET HIM GO!".  The other ran and pounced towards him, Stephen's expression changed from anger to fear,  it was his former friend,  Asher Dean, his face pale and drawn,  the look of death was shown all over him , he struggled but managed to push him before stabbing him with his combat knife.  It almost killed him, it left him twitching.

The thing now fell back,  bloody and twitching, but it was finally dead. A male ran towards to assist Ethan and Stephen, Warren Ried, a former news editor,  he used to redact things before he ran off and quit, he didn't think that it was right, he had a torn denim jacket, ripped shirt black jeans, smashed up sunglasses, face mask to protect himself from the Blight and steel tipped boots ,  his short blonde hair and brown eyes, his weapon was a blunt hammer, it's all he had. "You two alright?!"  Ethan nods, moving the other off him, grabbing the gun off the other's deceased body.  "Someone has to pay for this dysfunctional bullshit. And with their life.". 

A male walked down the stairs of the London underground, Alexander Bailey, he clapped his hands sarcastically, "Well well. Then. This is a surprise.  Ethan Davis,  Stephen Sterling and Warren Ried.  A gang of scum, verim. It hurts me so much. Channing is not very happy with any of you. Not after, well Paul and Kimberly, you knew them.. pair of seduced lovers, fucked at the scream of midnight. One of them went on trail, the other murdered. Such a lovely thing isn't it?".  The male's face grew closer to Warren,  "Ay it? Warren?". Before hitting him with his lead pipe,  right in the stomach.  The male shrieked,  Stephen grabbed Ethan's gun, "Hey Alexander.  Think fast ". Was all he  said and shot right  at the other,  right to the face, he ducked,  he got up again, "HA, you missed!"

Ethan smirked,  "Want a bet?". He shot at him,  Alexander grabbing Warren as cover, the bullet  shot  clean through his chest. Alexander ran up the stairs before getting shot, his body fell back, his head hitting  the stairs, blood pouring  out if his head, the final shot was taken by Warren as his final breathing took place,  Stephen and Ethan ran to him, Warren fell back,  his body slumped up the wall,  Stephen looked at him,  placing bandages across his body, "S-stay with me Warren....!". Warren looked at him and weakened,  "Te amo...". Stephen looked at him, smiling sadly as the other placed his on his cheek, pulling him close, they loved each other,  they meant everything to each other,  "Te amo.". The other kissed him before Warren went limp, Warren had passed on.  "W-warren...". Stephen teared up,  hugging his former lover close, he really loved Warren,  he wanted to go with him, but he couldn't. He had to fight until the end,  to help stop the war,  the prophet,  the propaganda.  Get rid of Channing with a friend,  that's what mattered to everyone. 

Someone has to pay for this dysfunctional bullshit,  especially in the society that everyone lived in. Channing has to pay. Everyone on his side has to pay.  "I'll make sure that he pays for this. Everyone deserves a better future,  and you're coming with me." .  Stephen looked at him and sighed,  nodding walking through the tube station with the other male, down through  the other blood and blight infected districts that bonded social and physical,  political capacities.

             "KILL THE DAMNED TRAITORS! KILL THEM ALL! ON MY DEMAND! KILL THEM! FIND THEM AND KILL THEM! I DON'T CARE HOW, JUST DO IT". That voice was Channing's over a speaker,  knowing the existence of Alexander's murder, the voice heard across the country, full of rage and perception,  he was angry and the rage against his chest now pulsing with madness.  "HEINBERG! FIND WHOEVER DID THIS! SEND YOUR BEST!!".  The woman turned to him,  "Yes your lordship. I'll do as asked.  ". The woman ran and pressed a button,  sending out a crazed police officer,  his mind was already broken,  he would do as asked, he had to find traitorous verim, that's what he was assigned to do.  "Go. Go do your job. Bring them back alive,  I have a plan for them.". The other nodded,  running out the House of Commons. 

Who knows what lies ahead in those places and districts? These desperate times,  aches and questions?  Especially what's left of them anyway, rumble is the last thing. The future is scary...

           Is it not? It's not so bad after all.

|And now an author's note, Finally!! After so long,  a new chapter is out, sorry about the long arse of a wait, it's here now,  it took way too long to write,  but it's here now, and this is the first update for the new year and the maintenance update soon. And what does "Te amo.". Mean? It means,  "I love you ." . In Spanish,  just thought I'd add two gay characters in this,  just because I can.  It's my book, okay?!| Vic The Mod signing out!|

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