Chapter 17

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The documents lay on a table in the spare back area of what was the infirmary, people trying to fix a man's face,  his life was on the line. They cough,  and cut into the man's face, taking off the graph tissue off his face, undoing the stitches that held his face together,  they had a piece of another face, a young man's face, his face pale and sickly,  it had to be the right colour and pigment,  taking that risk of  fixing it onto Ethan’s messed up face,  stitching his gorey and disfigured face,  the nurses and many doctors of Adrienne's resistance wiped his face, using a disinfectant liquid and rubbing alcohol on a paper towel, they stitched and stitched so his face would not fall apart again, they wouldn't let him get  hurt, his eyes remained shut, they stitched and stapled him up. They were…fixing him? In some respects.  Yes. Yes, they were.

Then they picked him up. One doctor opened a door and laid Ethan down on a trolley, waiting for him to lift up his body once again.

"Here, shoot him, shoot him damn it!". A male shouted,  his white cloak staining in blood, his eyes wide and raged, his one of those rebels,  to our group of rebels, he's God, a rescue. He is a fighter like no other,  born to fight to overthrow the oppressive regime and bring freedom back to the people, the people of London and across England, had no other choice, yet I don't think freedom is likely, this world is corrupted in a lack of it's political situation. Viramotine was still keeping people of Channing's trust strong. People were weak enough to never fight. But just barely remember. People can't really remember. 

But you already knew that. Didn't you?

Ethan had awoken from his pain ridden mess of a slumber,  he got up, full of anger and determination,  he clenched his fists, opening the door from his room, he was still hooked up by machine, the doctors told him to sit and calm down, his blood pressure going through the roof, "Now let's finish this. Once and for fucking all!". He began to walk but trembled and ached,  slamming the door open,  "Let us end this.". The blood poured slowly from his stitches,  he blew his hair out of his face,  shooting towards the other, grabbing his lead pipe in his other hand,  running towards him, the other ran towards him, Ethan ducked and ran behind him, the head of business and former police officer reaches across his body with his right hand, grips the handle of his blood stained weapon just below the guard, draws it out, snaps it forward so it’s pointing at Ethan, then places his left hand on the grip just below the right. Going to slice the other's face once more,  Ethan hesitated before kicking the male in the shin. Continuing this fight, blood dripped out from both of them.  The male got stabbed with a brute force, Ethan had gotten stabbed again, ,  it was a strong battle between them, Ethan hesitated and coughed.  The other laughed,  glaring at Ethan who couldn't get up.

Ethan shaked and glared, getting up, before throwing his lead pipe into the other's back,  everyone seemed to gasp, knowing that Ethan finally overcame his fear of the mad men of his home  country.  He wouldn't let Channing win, he wouldn't let the future be destroyed in so little time, the other male fell to the floor, blood pouring out of his mouth, he stood over the male,  he male was weakened,  "Tell Channing,  he's a bastard for me. In Hell ". Ethan glared as he spoke,  shooting the other in the head before stabbing him multiple times. 

He got up again,  Ethan looked at the crowd around him who cheered but where still in shock, he began to look sickly and ill, his face pale,  he threw his hat to the floor,  grabbing a knife and a lighter from the creature's back, grabbing both in-between his fingers,  " I AM WILLIAM  ETHAN DAVIES! AND I WILL FIGHT FOR OUR FREEDOM! ". He coughed,  "EVEN IF IT KILLS ME! CHANNING! YOU SICK BASTARD! WE CAN'T FIGHT FOREVER! BUT WE WILL TRY!!". He grabbed the back of his hair, his blonde hair, he burnt the hair, shorting it, before it could burn the rest, he cut it, leaving it short, it will never grow back. The remaining half of his hair touched the blood stained floor.  The blonde haired male then collapsed,  Adrienne looked at him and picked him back up. His lips turned almost blue. He coughed and coughed,  he was immune to Viramotine's plague like symptoms thiugh, Adrienne hugged  him close, patching his now stab wound in his chest.  "A-adrienne...?". She shushed him, "Don't say anything...I'll look after you. ". She looked at him and around before she laughed, and so did he

Bleeding North Heirs And Defenders [Original] |Dedicated To Choicefics|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang