Chap 1 Wrath

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No, it still wasn't enough to keep him away.

Never once did you think he would come this far just to cause a tsunami. Destroying homes, drowning families for the sea creatures to feast on.

The ocean stayed on land for 3 days before he brought the waves back. Mountains of sand had the mixings of decomposed body's and debris. Stripping the land of its people like if they were never there to begin with.

The only one who saved you was your father.
Managing to get you into a submarine.

"Now, remember what I taught you. Stay calm and focused. Don't panic. When shit hits the fan. We are responsible for these people."

His hands shook as he checked for the oxygen tanks. "Dad?" You asked, resting your hand on his shoulder.

"It's my glaucoma. I didn't want to tell you but your daddy has to quit his job. You're all I have left."

"It's alright dad. I'll do my best..
This submarine won't move when the waves come. The base will flood. But that submarine will keep you safe. Don't worry for me dad.. "

As he climbed up the latter you followed behind him. The last thing you saw was his cold expression before he slammed the hatchet and locked it.

"Dad!" You shouted.

The waves had come and flooded everything.

Your quick thinking of strapping yourself to the seats is what saved you.

The submarine was tossed around and slammed against objects.

Your ears rang to the point you couldn't hear.

The waves had destroyed everything. The submarine was beneath debris of a collapsed ceiling. The metal creaked from the weight but stayed firm.

Waking up to the red emergency lights all you did was curl up near the latter.

He was there.
Then he wasn't...

There was no one else left to save you. There wasn't a window for you to escape out of.

This was a submarine not just meant for you.

The impression of you letting hundreds die and you being the only survivor in this submarine.

When the tides came you were tossed around.

After the 2nd day of your imprisonment he found you. He had to pull back his Oceans.

Day three he ripped the hatched out to enter the submarine.

Quite a clever prison but it still made him disgusted. To him this was your small prison. To you and many others it was supposed to be a safe house, from him.

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