Chap 39. The Truth

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Beelzebub looked through the X-rays and the blood test. "It's all coming together." Beelzebub closed his mouth, his eyes narrowing with his grin. Hiding that amount of pleasure, that amount of joy.

"She's the perfect one. The one. What wounds will I endure? What wonders will she bring me."
He laughed in his office slamming his hand on the book. "Our dream! Our wishes! Our desires! Our GOALS!! Nothing can be more than this prodigy! A heart that will never die! All my life how I have fought for this! No one can save you but me! No one could have done this but me! This featuring word of God is not my title to claim! It has always been my right."

Poseidon held your hand feeling something. What he believes to be a second pulse. Shocked by this he pulled away examining your body closely. "I've returned." Beelzebub came in with a bottle of pills in hand. "Give her these. It will help keep her relaxed until she fully recovers."

"This wouldn't have happened if she just let me keep her soul in a rose. She's more vulnerable with her soul. At least when her soul was with my brother she didn't have to worry about becoming ill, aging. Nothing that pathetic that humans worry for."

"You were trying to make her like you. Trying to turn her into a god. Yes, well I can see the benefits in captivating a soul. Yet, the truth seems to be beyond your comprehension."

"Beelzebub!" Poseidon stood up towering over Beelzebub. "Whatever you can do to make her immortal. Make it happen."

"I do not work for your services. I work for myself. It has been a joy being her personal caretaker." Beelzebub looked over Poseidon to your body laying on the patient bed.
"You are not to look at her in that way." Poseidon gripped Beelzebub's neck lifting him up. "You breathe because I allow it. The moments that I strip you from her, must feel like tearing the wings off a fly. Know this, I will squish you like the bug you are. You mistake my request, I am not requesting nor asking. I am ordering you."

"Funny you should say, for you to trust me enough to treat her. Asking, of me for a cure to her mortality. Cold as the light of sun, black as the lack of love. Let me down."

Poseidon released Beelzebub. "How long is she to be here?" He made his way to the door. "Does this mean, you will turn a blind eye?"

Poseidon looked over his shoulder.
"Do what you can."

Poseidon left not barring to see you in the state you are in. It sickens him to see you this weak, this fragile. Whatever can be done to have you as strong as the gods. Whatever can be done for your life to be as long as his.

Poseidon rested his hand on a rail looking out to the Ocean life. "I wish not to look for another, y/n."

Beelzebub leaned over your body. "OO y/n. He seems to have left you alone with me. Is that not so cruel, so cold of him. To abandon you all because you are human. Odd, odd fish. Wouldn't you say y/n. No matter where you run, no matter what you do it seems to never work out for you does it? They will all see eventually."

Opening your eyes to meet Beelzebub's eyes as he warmly caressed your hand against his cheek. So kind he held your hand with such care. "Don't touch me." You say narrowing your eyes.

"Your hands were cold." Beelzebub smiled as you reached out to touch his cheek seeing him shut his eyes as he turned to softly bite the palm of your hand. "They are cold. I am cold. Don't touch me." You stood up as he reached over your waist his face so close as he helped you sit up. Lips almost touching you head budded him on his nose. "OO sorry, that's what happens when you don't move out of the way." You said sarcastically.

"It's quite alright. Nothing you can do will ever hurt me."

"Yeah, yeah where's Poseidon?" You looked around hoping to see him. "He left you with me. You are under my care."

"AAA! No, if I'm to be taken care of it's either from my freaky weird fish husband, or my bestie Hermes and my lady mentor Hera. But not you, never you. So whatever bullshit you are trying to pull. You can go and play with your chemistry set and continue to be that weird creepy nerd. But no, you are no care taker of mine. I can, care take myself thank you."

Beelzebub laughed softly. "Poseidon, is wanting nothing to do with you. He finds you repulsive. For what you chose. You have your soul back. You are back to aging and prone to illnesses. Seems like you are back to being his, pet."

"Ohh God Damn It!" You shouted. "I thought we got over that! Why is he like this? Where is he! I'm so sick of his shit! I don't believe you! I don't trust you. I refuse to believe what you are telling me." But it's like no matter what you thought. It sounded true. But at the same time you wanted to deny it. "He.." you stopped as Beelzebub caressed your cheek.
"Stop touching me!" You slapped his hand.
"Do I look like I'm in the mood for being touched?"

"Y/n, you are beautiful." He said softly. "Shut up! You aren't even listening."

"I am very attentive to your needs y/n. Amongst all I know what it's like to be human." Beelzebub looked away resting his arms on his thighs. "Long ago I was a doctor. A surgeon. This wasn't always my role."

You stopped realizing the change in his voice and his attention. "You, you miss being human?" He kept his eyes looking at his hands. "Nothing scares me y/n. I would never want to be human again. Never."

"So you believe I should listen to everyone around me and just give up my soul again."

"Y/n. Even when you are gone I will continue on. Everyone here will live on without you. But, I will miss you the most. You have been my greatest work since the day you walked into my house of creation."

"Weird name but go on."

"This skin." He reached out touching your arm and fingers with the tips of his making you have chills. "What you feel for me is admiration?" You asked seeing how his eyes slowly looked up at you. "What do you want with me?"

Beelzebub cocked his head to the side as you started to breathe a bit heavy feeling sick to your stomach. That's right, you are unaware that most of the skin you have is from him.
And just how beautifully it had blended into yours. Nothing shows what is his. The creation is his but you. Are the individual. The proof of his work.
Those black eyes showed a hunger beyond that of your comprehension. A dangerous one. Something you never imagined to see in someone.
"What did you do to me Beelzebub?" Beelzebub closed his hand behind your neck as he pulled you in. "I never stopped trying. I never stopped."

Your eyes twitched in horror hearing his words.
"The beast you represent. Completely insults me."

"Y/n, have you ever known to trust anyone?"

"Confess what you did Beelzebub I'm done with your riddles."
Beelzebub kept you close, his arm around your waist gently yet firmly. His hand firmly held the back of your neck as your arms were against his chest.
That sick feeling in your gut. That tingling feeling in your body. The scent of him was welcoming.
"Have you ever trusted anyone y/n?"
He asked again his body heat making you almost faint.

It's been so long since you felt this warmth. To feel safe in someones arms. But why with him? Why do you suddenly feel this way for him? How is he making you feel this way? Comfortable, safe, warm and calm.

You felt warm in his arms.
As if no one would take you.

"I have the medicine you need." He nuzzled you in close.

"No one's going to take my soul away."

"No one's going to take your soul away, y/n. I swear to it."

For only he knows what is going on with you. For only he knows the truth behind your nausea. The truth that could have you killed from Poseidon. How disgusted the God of the ocean would be. To know the truth.

As long as Beelzebub can keep that god fooled.

I am so sorry this took forever. But I tried to make it the best I could.
With so many secrets. With so many questions as to what Beelzebub had done to y/n. Would be a devasting blow to Poseidon.
It's like making a good guy a bad guy and a bad guy a good guy. It's always so tricky to hide the true intentions. Poseidon is willing to do anything to make you immortal. Hermes will soon be playing a very, very special role next chapter.

There's still so much lying, scheming.
But Arthur! This is supposed to be a y/n x Posidon!

That's right! And don't you Fucking forget it!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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