Chap 18 Limitations

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Poseidon has been perfect since birth. Flawless, gifted, someone who controls everything and everyone in his kingdom.

"You." He said, reaching out softly caressing your cheek, kneeling down with both hands holding your face. Caressing and kissing your tears away.

"Don't cry… I'm, I'm sorry."

He said, feeling his heart tighten. He unknowingly hurt you again. You threw that plate of food which meant you were upset about something. Just these childish actions of yours are so confusing to him.

You were upset because of him getting rid of useless subjects now? It's like nothing he does is good enough. Everything he does has to be questioned. Can he not protect you in his own way?

He also demands things from you. There's ways he'd like to see you dress and talk. But he never wishes to push his own perception of you against you. He doesn't want to change you. Wishing to just make -you- happy.

Yet here you are continuously wanting more and more of him. Wanting him to change his way of life, how he rules, how he even speaks or looks at you.

He's done everything he couldn't, anything he shouldn't have done..

He's done it. "I am no fool."
Poseidon tilted his head to see you at a different angle.

Why does he do all that for you?

"You have far more purpose to me than you know." Lifting you in his arms cradling you in.


After being fed and cared for Poseidon never left your side. Through the night his dreams would become vivid with life even replicating your sweet smell of cherry blossom.

"She won't stay with me." Posideon stared at his reflection through the fountain with his statue. "What does she want?" Sliding the tips of his fingers against his angelic face.


Whispers created sympathy like the oceans tides. Drowning him into his darkest desires. The bloodthirsty creature he is.

"She's not happy with me."
  The statue's trident split in half crumbling into ash. Ash mixing with what was once a fountain of clear water.

"No, she wants me. She needs me, she doesn't know it yet. She would have died with those filthy mud walking humans if not for me." His hand rested on his chest feeling his heart pumping blood through his veins.

His reflection slowly was being covered by the black ash.

"They want to take her away from me. The mud lands call for her as my reign to rule here calls for me. Her people call to her as the ocean's life calls to me. Her lands call to her. Just as I am chained to sea she is chained to the filthy dwellers.

She's chained, so she can't stay with me. Enslaved. I want to free her of her burdens and make her my eternal queen of the seas. She wouldn't be chained.

I know no matter the years she spends with me. Her soul will never be corrupted by us. She will never exchange or bore. She will be of beauty, Grace and Wisdom. We will have many children. All the Gods will envy us as they should.

As long as my brother keeps y/n under him and his wife's protection. She'll always be of grace.

She can't see it. All of these distractions that keep getting in our way. They need to go…
They need to go.. The mud lands need to go. The filthy attachments she has made. It all needs to go. She must be freed from her burdens. She needs me."

He related those words "poison"
watching his reflection disappear. "They need to go." It was making sense to him. "Poison." The reason you couldn't stay with him. "They need to go." Was because you were of the lands and he was of the sea.

Deep in his heart he was lying to himself.
  "Poison." He could never leave his role as God of the seas. "They need to go." He's a benefactor. "Poison." But there's no important role for humans. "They need to go."

They just create wants and distractions. Getting rid of the humans and the lands from where you came. To get rid of any attachments of the world you once lived in. Would set you free. You'd finally have no choice but to settle down with him. To enjoy the life you deserve here with him.

Why is that bad?? Why can he not desire such things for you? He's had enough of this he will create a tournament. If the humans win you are free to "visit" the lands ever so often. If he wins.

It's the end for humans.

"Considering how the rest of the Gods feel about humans it wouldn't be a difficult decision. They are filthy and weak. We will put an end to them.  I don't want to lose her. No one will take her from me. The only way to keep her is to get rid of them all. All of it.."

Opening and closing his eyes to find himself in the throne room with you standing before him. Wearing a simple white night dress, the silks were thinner than the clouds. A silk like no other on your skin was like milk smoothing your complexion.
"Are you alright?" The words he couldn't hear from you. Just the pink softness of your lips pressing against each other teasing him.

  Tilting his head to the side seeing your sweet innocent face looking up to him squeezing your arms together making yourself so small so sweet. You were cold in his throne room.

Such an innocent move that sparked his hunger to see just how soft your breasts pressed against each other. The softness he couldn't forget the sensations that teased his hands. The desires he tries to hide from you. The sickness he's aware of is growing.

To love you. To adore you. Willing to do anything. The fear of his obsession was growing. He wanted you to be safe from him but he can't stand the thought of losing you.

All these contradicting feelings he's never experienced them before. At first he believed he could continue his life without you. When you left without him knowing. When you left with your father.

It was because of him. The rage he felt knowing you were taken from him by humans. To be challenged. There was a mix of disgust whenever he thought of it. You are his vulnerability. You have meaning to him. That's all that matters.

He wasn't sure when his fingers started to trail from your neck to your chest. Everything inside him screamed for you.
Why was he like this?
The way you shuttered from his touch filled him with lust.
Feeling his fingers aggressively fondling your breast squeezing it to the nipple.
"Don't let them take me away."
Holding his wrist in your small hand keeping him in place. "Poseidon." You whimpered his name causing him to jump to his feet. Closing your legs on his waist devouring your lips.

Slowly opening his eyes he turned to see you at the edge of the bed. Quiet. Cold. Distant.
Gritting his teeth together his hand tightened the bed sheets realizing what he has to do.

--------- Posideon kills his brother Adam. Quick look / backstory to Posideon.

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