Chap 28 - Odds of Beelzebub

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You didn't know who it was last night...

To even ask Poseidon is a threat to everyone. This is the problem. There's no communication. There's no exchange. Yes he tells you beautiful things but beyond that he's just, stone. In all honesty.

Even you are somewhat taken back by everything. You understand your situation. Nothing more can be done.

It's not a fun thing when all gods have had or still have wives or concubines. This mentality of being admired sickens you.

Ohh!! But how dare little ol you even flirt with the Doctor who saved your life.

You should have slept with Nikola. You should have stayed! Just all these personal one to even ventilate. It's not like you would.

No phone.

No interesting books.

No one to trust.

Everyone wants to get rid of your species.

Problems like these require a modern solution.

"Hermes!" You said out loud.

"I'm right here. No need to shout out my name like that." Hermes winked leaning in with his index finger on his lips.

Okay! Maybe it was Hermes?

"What ah.. so do you uhm. "

How do you ask this asshole something without having him snitch to your husband.

"Did I uhm do ah what?" He asked with a charming smirk.

Oh shoot. Maybe he knows someone was in your room. If you asked if anything strange happened he might go poking his nose around and find out who you were with. Again he'll snitch to Poseidon.

Unless it was Hermes. Then he wouldn't rat himself out.

"Sorry. May you take me to Hades?"

Hermes looked at you puzzled. "My dear.. Do you not remember?"

"Yes! The F word. I can't go. Blah blah. Just you owe me this. It's not bad business, there's things I need."

Hermes leaned in with his hand on his chest "I may be able to assist. What things are you needing?"

By the gods, why do some people and entities have to be so frustrating?

Hermes can't help but to be curious of his human master. Poisdeon still holds power over Hermes. This keeps Hermes from being too close. Poisoned had issues with the way Hermes was performing his duties so close to you. He ordered Hermes to be an ear call away from you.

Because of such distance all he has been able to do is watch you. How'd he love to know what was going on with you. Sadly it seems like this is the best he can get from you. An anxious, frustrated, girl.

It would be much more exciting if things were different.

"Hermes can you or can you not? Know I'll find my own way."

He wrapped his arm around your waist spinning you tango style. Preventing you from leaving.

"Should have mentioned. Can't dance.."

You almost gagged.

"My dear y/n. This is not to be spoken of. Our little secret may cause some." He leaned in closer so close it made you turn red.

"I'll beat you with a newspaper like a dirty dog on the street!"

You smacked him across the face. "Mmm.. So much fight. You are fighting the wrong person."

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