Chap 5 Posideons Treasure

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"I hate this ceiling."

Your voice caused Poseidon to look in your direction. Taking long strides it didn't take long for him to reach your side of the bed.

Even while he stood beside you, your eyes were fixed on the ceiling. Not even acknowledging him.

The tension of silence didn't bother you, nothing felt right. You didn't feel right.
Not having you acknowledge him shouldn't bother him yet it does.

Opening and closing his hand, his eyes fixated on yours. Hesitantly, slipping the tips of his fingers into your palm.

For Poseidon, no one else mattered except you. His eyes were always looking for you. Just knowing you were supposed to be at a certain place. He couldn't help to worry about his little y/n. Just to see you was enough for him. Believing your admiration for him would never end.

Kneeling beside the bed he raised your hand against his face feeling the warmth of your palm pressing his lips. Poseidon felt a sudden anxious feeling in his chest and mind.

He cared for what you wanted to a certain extent. Even he knew his words meant so little. His blue eyes were fixed on your blank expression. The silence was unnerving and awkward but you managed to remember it all.

"I remember now.." your head shifted to look at him, this man holding your hand.
"I, I remember you." Poseidon's thumb caressed the back of your knuckles as he reached out with his other hand to caress your cheek. Looking away you pulled your hand away from his before turning over and having him face your back.

Fetal position was the only way to cope with this reality. The land suffocated you, the ocean isolated you, and death made you face everything you tried to run away from.
Then there was the model-like entity holding your hand intensely staring into your eyes.
"Who am I?" You ask,

Poseidon was hesitant at first before answering. "You are my y/n" he answered with a warm smile. A warm smile. A genuine smile as if you, y/n had meaning.
The y/n who committed suicide would have never seen Poseidon smile. Seeing how things won't always go the way he wants them to. He'll put more effort into winning your trust.

You died but there's no memory of your death. There's the horror of something. You died but how? Looked over your shoulder at him before quickly looking away when he reached out to you. There's something cold and empty behind that smile. It's welcoming you into an ocean of unknown beauty and danger.

There's no memory.
Who are you?
These memories were changed. Poseidon would have never smiled at you as he did now.
So you are alive and he looks like Poseidon. But what if it's some weird trick of Hades.
Both brothers share similar looks.

It was Hades! Hades helped you commit suicide. Hades promised to reunite you with your father. Everything else after that was blurry. Hades couldn't have brought you back to life!
How were you brought back to life? Why were you brought back and not your father?

"Why am I here?" You ask. This doesn't feel right. This person you are now she's new.

"Because," Poseidon stood up to sit on the edge of the bed making your back touch his. "Because I didn't want to lose you.." he admitted resting his arms on his thighs.

"Why did you bring me back?"

Poseidon's eyes were steady on his hands opening and closing them together.
"It's not your choice." He whispered.

"You don't think we are worth it. What's so different about me? Are you going to let something so small, meaningless just-"

Poseidon's lips parted as he closed his hands into fists fighting back his urges.
Reaching back he gently rested his open palm against your mouth muffling whatever else you had to say.

"The difference is that you are mine, that's the difference. The difference is that you are here with me y/n. There is a difference." His words were being sternly whispered. "I make no mistakes!" You flinched when he raised his voice. You've never heard him like this. His hand slid away, his fingers tips softly trailing your lips.

"The idea of what is mine and making it live to my expectations is a reality that will happen. I don't care how long it takes, I have time to spare. The only difference is that you aren't my idea. There is no time to spare for you. My time with you is treasured."

So there you have it. Posideon was happy with you being yourself he just can't face the reality. The reality that there isn't centuries with you.

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