Chap 2 Kalopsia

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This submarine was made to safely move survivors across the oceans undetected by him.
Everyone knew what was going to happen. Your father had stolen this submarine to save what little people could be saved.

Looking around he couldn't help but examine these walls that were to keep humans safe from his oceans.

"How foolish.." he spoke softly, mocking your father's work.

"Were these walls meant to keep me out? It did a good job keeping your friends out."
His cold eyes looked down at your fetal position.

Back facing him you didn't move from that spot.

"Have you any idea what you've done?" You whispered never looking back to him.

"Explain to me what all of this is? Seems quite the effort in keeping me out." As always he didn't care for his actions or the lives of others.

"Poseidon, I asked to be moved here. I left.
I never thought you'd personally." there was a tone of voice that he couldn't stand. It was a certain way of lying.

With you, this wasn't a lie. You truly believed he would be too disgusted to look for you on land.

Poseidon's eyes were cold like ice daggers.

Feeling small and vulnerable your body couldn't help but shake in fear. Remaining in a fetal position was the only comfort.

"Oh? And since when was this done? Clearly, behind my back. You ran away inside this submarine so I wouldn't find you.

Told everyone about their demise.
You have changed the Faith of many.

Just to know, when did you become unhappy with me? Why did you decide to leave? To betray me..

Were you not happy?"

Poseidon, towered over you his shadow casting down on your curled up body. The fear was enough to keep your eyes shut.

"They are all wrong. Everyone was wrong. All your little humans were wrong.

Perhaps, we should spend more time together. Focus on the bigger picture. Or we can play this cat and mouse game of yours.

Keep losing more lives. That's fine with me, none of them will survive."

Poseidon knelt down behind you, his arm reaching over as his weight pressed against your shoulder.

He leaned in whispering.

"How do you sleep at night knowing all of this could have been avoided?"
Poseidon whispered in your ear. A voice soft and warm with venomous words.

Opening your eyes as tears streamed down you could see his hand resting on the railed floor.

"You say such foul things. You know better than anyone else. That they are all dead now.

Because of you!

We welcomed you to our home! This wasn't needed, why couldn't you just stop? That life brought me nothing more but insecurities...
I'm just a pet..

You devour everything but are you ever satisfied? Are you happy with the things you do? Having me as your object to be a possession. To sweep away an entire city?

What a sick excuse to hear from a god.."

Fighting back the dryness of your voice it was hard to find the nerve to stand up.

"This was all on you, y/n."

"I'm not the one killing my people!
That's you..."

Pushing yourself up, your head smashed against his chin as he stood up annoyed.

Rolling away from him to get distance you finally stood up.

"Does it make you feel bigger and better than everyone else? What about me? See me, I'm nothing like you or anyone.

To be made as an excuse, as a the pawn. I won't. I won't... I won't let you use my family, friends or -"

Poseidon, tilted his head. "I'm a god. I am not gifted. I'm born. I am one. One god. One to stand on these mud lands you call home. One god to rule all 7 seas.

I am perfection.
I don't make mistakes. A god doesn't need friends or family they are one. A god can live without anyone. We are perfection.

Your gods wouldn't mind ending you to save hundreds. I would end hundreds to save you. You are not my pet, we have responsibilities.
Like it or not you will fulfill yours and I will fulfill mine. I'm giving you a purpose."

"Such lies. Such a narcissistic mentality to make me have you as my reason for living! Responsibilities? For you to even think that's how it works. You think all of this makes me want to be near you?

You know nothing, there is no us you animal!
If I were a god I would have taken away your blessings."

Poseidon shut his eyes, wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you close. Raising your hand he stopped your assault before gazing deeply in your eyes.

Cold blue eyes like the Ocean.

"I know you would. You would do the opposite of all of us. Perhaps even end your own existence... "

His hand tightened your wrist but you refused to release the hair needle from your grasp. "I'll break your wrist y/n. Drop it."

His thumb pushed the joint of your thumb down causing great discomfort and pain. "I'll break each of your fingers."

His eyes glaring into yours.

"What's wrong with you? You are crazy! A monster!"

You shouted out squirming but he was nothing more but like a statue. "We are going home, y/n. Do this again and I will sink more than a City.."

Looking back at him his face was a sick twisted smile.

It couldn't be helped the way he was made. You feel it, the mad made mess of a god.

How can something so beautiful be so crazy and evil. To be beautiful but yet heartless. To give the impression of warmth but be a cold fish.

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