A Prank Gone Right

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Once upon a brisk spring morning, high beyond the clouds that loomed over the Valley of Peace, laid a beaming light decorated by rays infused with colours such as gold and apricot. A beautiful mix befitting of a day full of such potential dawning upon the lands of the highly praised Jade Palace masters.

One such individual awakening at an early time was Master Monkey, a troublesome simian who had found life under the occupation of Kung Fu to be quite lacklustre on occasion. However, on this day, he wasn't waking up early because he was forced against his will to do so. That couldn't be farther from the truth, Master Monkey was waking up to celebrate his annual tradition of playing devious pranks on the entirety of the Furious Five.

On the previous year, the primate master had his plans foiled by none other than Master Mantis; who was beginning to tire from the amount of childish pranks the simian had pulled on him throughout the years. Instead of putting an end to the pranks and subsequent torture for good, Mantis decided to pull the age-old technique of beating them and surprisingly deciding to join them.

This year was a year that was going to vastly differ in comparison to the amount of pranks that had been pulled by the primate master. The Dragon Warrior, otherwise known as Po, was now the master of the Jade Palace. Of course the panda is still desperately attempting to adjust to his new duties, and mostly allows Master Shifu to substitute on days in which the Dragon Warrior either needed extra rest due to having places to be or simply to balance out their duties.

Luckily for Master Monkey, Po had commanded Master Shifu to take his role as teacher for the day, agreeing to wake up on time to the morning gong. Just because Po is the Dragon Warrior and has thus mastered Chi doesn't mean he can lay around doing nothing.

Truth be told, Monkey and Mantis had been orchestrating this plan for several months, consistently drilling in the idea that Po and Shifu should balance their roles as masters instead of allowing one to become dominant in the battle for mentorship. Their plan was to allow Po and a certain feline master to wake up at the same time so they could put their devious prank into action.

Monkey seemed to be the only one who celebrated this forsaken holiday until the year Mantis decided to pull everything apart. It turns out that the simian wasn't the only master celebrating such an informal occasion... Mantis just happened to have a much more harmless and less destructive way of celebrating.

Both masters had brought their minds together to execute a plan so devious to the point it could risk their honour and get them kicked out of the Jade Palace. They thought it was going a little far until they realised that Po was technically a master on the same level as Shifu and that they would most likely be forgiven.

The primate and the insect had put together plans dedicated to ruining the day of each master of the Jade Palace, whether it be Viper and her endless pursuit of maintaining a modest amount of beauty. Or if it would be Crane and his deathly obsession with calligraphy and anything related to it, both masters had an objective to ruin their days in the most harmless way possible.

Then came Master Tigress. She wasn't an easy one to fool, especially when it came to the jokes that Master Monkey would attempt to pull on her. Only one prank was successful, and that was almost half a decade ago, in which Monkey managed to apply make-up to the feline warrior's face without it coming off for several hours; not to mention he managed to live through that experience too.

Monkey and Mantis had something far more complex and extreme planned for Tigress, it happened to involve everybody's lovable Dragon Warrior too. It was almost deceiving as to how Po had fallen for their pranks countless times, but of course they were going to design something articulate for this day.

And design something articulate they did. The devious duo had set up a trap so simple a mere kitten could construct it if it had some free time. When Po and Tigress inevitably wake up and sling their doors open subconsciously to greet Master Shifu, they would trigger a microscopic piece of string to snap, forcing Po and Tigress forward as a falling log from above would swing behind them and knock them forward simultaneously.

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