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With the sun climbing over the distant horizon, staining the skies a familiar golden orange all the while the rays of light, warmth and tranquillity kissed the mountains of the Panda Village; none other than Po 'Lotus' Ping could be heard rummaging through the distant cabin of his father for a legendary scroll that was rumoured to reside within his father's dusty drawers.

Po's father had recently moved out of his secluded cabin, leaving it behind to tend to matters closer to the village for he felt it was unfair for him to constantly wallow in the shadows cast by the past, especially when his son had made his fabled return upon confronting a dream bestowed upon him by a familiar tortoise no little than half a year prior. Li Shan thought he had distanced himself from his people for too long, constantly staring at the photo that was once mounted against a brightly-lit candle that lived inside of a rocky fireplace.

Po had been given orders to assist Li Shan in clearing out his old residence, wishing for Po and Tigress to use it as a joint living quarters as they would be staying permanently. It had been several weeks since the collapse of Kai's power over the humble Panda Village and the spell of Po's heroism had worn off on Master Shifu and the Furious Five... All except for Tigress, who wished to stay alongside him and assist with rebuilding the Panda Village despite her being encouraged to return home to the Jade Palace.

None other than the black and white panda himself had offered the incentive to his black and orange striped friend, joking that she could serve the role as being the temporary Dragon Warrior until he returned to the Valley of Peace alongside his fathers. This was no offer to scoff at yet Tigress was able to shove it aside for ease as she saw company with Po as a more befitting offer. Factoring in the fact that Po had recently confronted Kai and inadvertently become a Spirit Warrior of sorts by entering the Spirit Realm, Tigress was more the wiser to wish upon extra time with her fluffy fighting companion considering he sacrificed himself in front of her eyes without a second thought in the hopes of saving China.

Yet, the Dragon Warrior couldn't be more oblivious to Tigress' motives, nor her reasons for sticking around. He was more concerned by the simpler things in life such as uncovering a mystical scroll that had somehow found its way into the confines of his ears. Speaking of Tigress, Po was also clueless as to the striped feline's whereabouts as she usually would've greeted him by now. Unbeknownst to him, Tigress had a tendency on spying on those she cared about and none other than her fiery orbs were practically burning Po's silky fur as he continued rummaging around through his birth father's cabin.

"Hm... A ruby bowl with a dragon drawn on the inside? Ooh! No way! It even comes with the steel ladle!" Po let off a gasp of excitement as he gazed upon the reflection of his jade eyes alongside his face all the while he admired the craftsmanship of the bowl he was holding. "Woah! So clean and shiny! Alright, Po! You're a little clumsy but you can gently put this down and save it for later. I do wonder what sorta dumplings this thing would make, I wonder if it's sacred?" The Dragon Warrior continued to gently grasp the item in the grips of his soft paws, kneeling down atop the wooden floorboards making up Li Shan's cabin as Tigress snuck up on the doorway behind him.

"Oooh! Oooh! What's that?" He gently placed down the bowl and ladle, instead fixing his attention on a book encased in a sapphire-blue cover and lined with a silky red trimming. "It's a book! 'Bounty Hunter: Lord of the Yangtze River'? - Meh, I've already studied enough, I think Shifu will forgive me if I decide not to read this. Besides, what's Shifu gonna do? He's heading back to the Valley of Peace!" Po disregarded the book he was holding, throwing it backwards and towards Tigress' muzzle. Luckily, the striped feline managed to sidestep the incoming object with ease, although giving away her position by prompting a piece of the wooden bridge behind her to creak.

Po's jade eyes immediately shot towards the doorway in response to the sudden creak. He noticed that one of the nearby jade ribbons that had been tied onto one of the bridge supports was blowing in the wind, shrugging off the creak and the slight groan of the space outside of the doorway to be nothing more than the wind as he turned back to his rummaging and soon fell under the gaze of Tigress' watchful gaze once again.

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