So Much More

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A destructive night rained terror down upon the Valley of Peace. The relentless rain and constant whipping of the wind was a stark reminder that mother nature would always have its way. The valley was on the verge of flooding whilst this powerful storm ripped through the skies, occurring on the same day the Furious Five returned from Gongmen City.

This violent weather was an accurate representation of the thoughts that Master Tigress was being forced to endure. She looked forward to finally arriving home in the Valley of Peace, the land she had been raised in for two decades and ultimately had become the lead defender up until the very proclamation of the Dragon Warrior.

Po. Such a simple name to utter, yet such a complex character lay behind the name. To Tigress, he was an extremely caring and innocent being; even if she perceived him as a hideous nuisance at the start. Despite becoming good friends, Tigress has apologised to him numerous times in the past to soothe her mind. However, on this night, nothing could soothe her mind... Nothing but the Dragon Warrior.

Tigress uncomfortably twisted and turned as that merciless memory struck her mind like the lightning outside.


The feline's mind had scarred her with yet another part of the nightmare, the part that she was internally fearing the whole time. That moment when the Dragon Warrior was shot in front of her eyes. She felt absolutely powerless as Po passed her, still attached to the cannonball; that jolt to her body shook her to her core... But most importantly, it struck a heartstring on the way.

Her mind had remained restless ever since getting to know the Dragon Warrior more, learning how passionate and non-judgemental he was served as a shocking discovery to her. She thought of him as just another warrior, but as they talked more, she soon began to realise that he was more than a warrior; he was a friend.

A friend that she could rely upon to carry her secrets, an open pair of ears, someone she had recently discovered was extremely soft and cosy to hold during hugs. Ah, the hugs Po gave... Tigress thought she could use one of those right about now, unfortunately, her body wasn't going to allow her to have her way.

She attempted to shift the tides of the nightmare in her favour by remembering that bliss-filled hug that Po gave her, not only inside of Gongmen Jail... But also the heartwarming hug she had experienced upon lifting Po out of the water within the harbour and onto the broken warship. Tigress thought of how awkward she seemed within his arms as she seemingly froze like a deer caught in headlights, unbeknownst to those around her; that hug would end up lighting the sparks that would catch like a flame upon the iron wall that guarded her emotional capacity ever since she began practising kung-fu.

As Po crashed and burned in front of her during this nightmare... Po had also reduced her iron guard to wood, which had now completely crashed and burned to the ground; what previously stood as iron was now a smouldering pile of wooden ashes.

As Po struck the wall of Gongmen Factory and blew through the harbour, her mind inserted a strike of lightning upon his back hitting the wall; highlighting how much pain he was truly experiencing as he flew out of view. Alongside that lightning bolt came another, a lightning bolt that would liberate her from her nightmare.

Tigress jolted up as her body awakened, rapidly checking her surroundings to ensure she was safe and not enduring some form of secondary nightmare. She rubbed her paw across her forehead and realised how truly sweaty she was, the feline wasn't even sure if she was capable of sweating up until this night.

As she looked around, the rain violently crashed down against the Jade Palace as well as the rain outside; white noise neatly generated for her ears... Her room felt empty. Her mind wandered as to why- she had rested peacefully in this room ever since she was a little cub. She had tuned the room to fit her needs, free of clutter whilst retaining a simplistic look.

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