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6 AM - Student's Quarters - Jade Palace...

A blossoming sunrise with generous golden rays blasted through the cracks that plagued the frame of the student's windows. The wind swept through the quarters of the Student's Quarters, blessing each occupant with a dose of fresh air. A lush smell of blooming flowers and hydrated grass trailed loosely behind this wind, subconsciously reminding each student that the spring morning awaited their presence.

For most, this spelt the beginning of a warm and welcoming day. A day filled with exciting kung-fu as well as defence of the valley. Unfortunately, events as of late had been less favourable for the Furious Five as well as the Valley of Peace in general.

A bandit confederacy loomed over the routes in and out of the village, forbidding and often raiding merchants and traders that attempted to defy them by passing their outposts. Their plan was simple... draw out the valley and provoke unrest by starving the valley of its resources as well as its food.

In spite of these devastating events, the Jade Palace alongside the Valley of Peace remained optimistic. With only a few more days to bear until the arrival of the Imperial Army, everyone was brushing aside the siege as they were constantly reassuring themselves that life would go back to normal... everyone except Tigress.

Master Tigress had been struggling to bear the events that plagued the valley for some time. The ineptitude of the Jade Palace guards as well as the itch to permanently exile these bandits from the valley constantly laid waste to her mind, not to mention the fact she was currently receiving half of the food her body was accustomed to due to Master Shifu's new rationing system.

The feline had been invited to join the rest of her comrades the night before in a conquest for food by visiting a local noodle shop known as Mr. Pings. Instead of attending, she just verbally spat at them before shutting her door to practice more of her meditation; which was becoming an extremely large thorn in her side as she couldn't calm her mind when her stomach was constantly yearning for its next serving of food.

Subconsciously, her mind couldn't help but tease her body with the painful memory of her refusal alongside the conversation that occurred between the five once they had returned home. For once... Tigress was spiteful of herself for how she treated herself and allowed herself to ruin such an opportunity. She could still vividly hear it in her mind as clearly as when she almost choked on her tofu upon hearing of this event, the conversation involving this mysterious panda that worked at Mr. Pings.

Tigress's Dreamscape - The night prior...

"He's so kind! Allowing us to take home an extra bowl for Tigress. I don't blame him for admiring her!" Viper cheered on in support as she entered the room to see Tigress moping around whilst playing with the remaining tofu sitting on her plate.

"Once a fanboy, always a fanboy. He even charged us less for our charity towards the valley! He was super understanding, too!" Crane commented as he entered the room with his empty bowl of noodle soup in the cusp of his wing. "He even let us keep the bowls!"

"Wow, what a momentous thing to get excited about, the bowls! Good one, Crane!" Mantis joked as he struggled to hold up the bowl designated for Tigress. "Tigress, you wouldn't believe what happened when we went out for food-"

"A panda served us! He was super understanding and a joy to joke around with!" Monkey couldn't resist as he too joined on in this praiseworthy conversation. "I never knew pandas still existed! Tigress, you have to try this soup!"

"Do I have to try it?" Tigress aggressively answered back before grumpily stuffing the rest of her tofu in her mouth with an eager sense to leave the situation she had been placed within. "Funny joke. Only a fool would fall for such a statement... pandas are extinct," Tigress coldly spat as she turned to leave the room, however, a question plagued her mind... could they be telling the truth?

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