。forty one 。

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the trio had made their way to the school, rushing in as quickly as possible. max had been sent into a trance and she told the group how she saw a clock, in the wall of the school corridor, halfway sticking out of the crack concrete, ticking mockingly.

"it was here. right here." max said as she shone a torch at the wall.

"a grandfather clock?" nancy asked.

"it was so real." max continued. "and then, when i got closer, suddenly i just... i woke up."

"it was like she was in an trance or something. exactly what eddie said happened to chrissy." dustin explained.

max turned around, "that's not even the bad part." they moved back to ms. kelly's office. "fred and chrissy, they both came to ms. kelly for help. uh, they both were having headaches, bad headaches that just wouldn't go away. and then... then the nightmares. trouble sleeping. they'd wake up in a cold sweat. and then they started seeing things. bad things. from their pasts. and these visions, they just... they kept on getting worse and worse, until eventually... everything ended."

"vecna's curse." robin spoke up.

"chrissy's headaches started a week ago. fred's, six days ago. i've been having them for five days." max admitted and adella's eyes widened slightly. "i don't know how long i have. all i know is that, for fred and chrissy, they both died less than 24 hours after their first vision. and i just saw that goddamn clock, so... looks like i'm gonna die tomorrow."

a distant clang was heard, pulling the groups attention away from max to look towards the possible threat. steve glanced to them, "stay here."

he grabbed a lamp from a table and walked out into the hallway, the group ignoring his order and following behind him. another clatter was heard followed by frantic footsteps and steve held up the lamp, ready to hit the person. lucas burst around the corner and screamed making everyone else do the same, lucas moving back as steve nearly hit him.

"it's me!" lucas yelled.

"lucas?" adella asked, shining a torch at his face.

"it's me." lucas panted.

"jesus, what's wrong with you, sinclair?" steve snapped.

"i'm sorry." lucas apologised.

"i could've taken you out with this lamp!" steve fumed.

"okay, sure." adella said sarcastically.

"sorry, guys. sorry." he apologised again. "i was... i was biking for eight miles. give me a second. shit. we've got a code red."

"what?" steve questioned.

lucas stormed towards dustin, "dustin. i've been with jason, patrick, and andy, and they've gone totally off the rails. they're trying to capture eddie, and they think you know where he is. you're in terrible danger. also, ella, i'm really sorry, but they may have trashed your cabin 'cause i led them there instead of where eddie really is."

"alright. yeah, that definitely sucks, but we've got bigger problems than jason now." dustin said and looked towards max and lucas' heavy breathing stopped, worried for his ex girlfriend.

"let me- one second." adella said, her mind racing as she ran back into ms. kelly's office.

"what's wrong with her?" steve looked to robin.

"i don't..." robin trailed off, shaking her head before following adella quickly. when she walked in, adella was comparing fred's and chrissy's files before she stood back and picked at the skin of her bottom lip. "hey, what's the matter? what're you doing?"

"i may be just panicking and going to far in my head with this shit but, uh, i have had headaches for a day and a few nose bleeds." adella gulped.

"that's- don't say that. i'm sure it's nothing." robin said, doubting her own words. "hey, maybe you're just warm! a lot of people get both headaches and nosebleeds when they're warm and you're a naturally warm human being. temperature-wise. and personality but mainly temperature. it's gonna be fine."

"yes. yes." adella agreed and slammed the files shut, slipping them back into the cabinet. "let's focus on trying to help max."

"yeah, it'll be fine. it's normal to get them together... while an evil wizard is giving other people with trauma the same things." robin said worriedly and adella walked form behind the desk, interlocking their fingers with a false smile.

"it's nothing. let's focus on max." adella smiled and robin reluctantly nodded, kissing her quickly before the left the office and school with the others.


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