Chapter 8

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In the media

Uncle Calvin

I was on my way to my niece house after she had called me early this morning

I knew it had to be something important because Ma hates mornings

When I arrived I used my key to get in

"Yoo Ma" I yelled but not getting no answer which was weird because the living room TV was on

I started to walk towards her room knocking but still not getting an answer

I opened the door looking around the room coming to the realization that she wasn't in there, opening the door to leave her room

"BOO" Ma said scaring the hell out of me

"Ma what the hell are you doing, you could have given me a heart attack" I said look at her crazy

"unk I think your losing your touch I shouldn't have even been able to sneak up on you like that" she said walking into the kitchen

"me? Losing my touch? Ok we'll see when I throw you out the window who's really losing their touch." I said

"I'm not worried I'll cut you before you even get the chance" she said

"whatever bruh, anyways what can I do for my favorite niece" I said sitting down at the island

"unk I'm your only niece" she said walking to the button for the basement

"even if I had more you'll still be my favorite" I said getting up

"come on bro" she said walking down the stairs

"everytime I come down here I gotta change clothes" I said following behind her

"well hopefully you don't have to" she said turning on the light revealing a man who looked like he already been through hell

"and who is this" I said

"umm to be honest I don't know, he broke into my house trying to kill me" she said like it was no big deal

"what you mean tried to kill you and why the nigga still breathing" I said getting mad

"because ion want him dead...yet" she said making water fall on him

"please just let me go" he said whining

"he kinda sounds like a bitch" I said

" I know right" she said chuckling

"alright so what you want me to do interrogate him" I asked

"naw I already got the information I wanted to know out of him" she said

"so what am I here for" I said

"well I want you to beat him up and then I'll let him go so that it will send a message to his people" she said

"why you couldn't just beat him up yourself I taught you how to fight for a reason" I said

" I mean i would have but I knew my favorite uncle would do it for me" she said with her lip poked out

"man I can't stand you, go on upstairs" I said

"thanks unk make sure you don't kill him" she said walking up the stairs

"don't try and tell me how to do something you anit wanna do" I said

"love you too" she said pushing the button again

"I can't with her sometimes" I said chuckling

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