Chapter 31

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I was so ready to just chill out and spend the rest of my birthday with my girl but boss man wanted to call a meeting

"business is running smoothly the money looking real nice I just have a question for Jacob" he said

"what's up boss" Jacob said

"why was there 50 dollars missing from your bag" he said

"umm... I.. are you sure that you counted right" Jacob said

right then and there everyone knew he was lying because he was stumbling over his words

"nah Im sure so I'ma give you one last time to tell me where my money at" he said sitting back in his chair

"I have no idea when I counted it was all there" Jacob said

"alright" he said giving his guards a look and right after that the guards carried Jacob out of the meeting room

then only thing heard a few seconds later was Jacob's screams and cries for help

"alright the rest of my loyal workers today is my dear friend Justin's birthday so we will be having a nice dinner for him" he said

"boss man that's really not needed I kinda wanna chill with my girl" I said

"non sense we will have a dinner and you can bring your girlfriend, everyone is required to bring a plus one" he said

I had just made it back to Ma's place

"bae" I said walking around looking for her

"I'm in the closet" she said

"where's Ave" I said

" my mom wanted to do her hair before Sunday" she said

"oh well we have some where to be tonight" I said

"we" she said

"yes your going to be my date for my birthday dinner" I said

"when did you plan a dinner" she said

"I didn't my boss did today" I said

" ok and what is it exactly you do in your line of work" she said

"hey you don't talk about yours and I don't talk about mines" I said

"ok well that's not how you ask someone to be a date" she said

"really" I said

"I'ma queen so I get treated like one too" she said

"babe will you be my date tonight for a dinner please" I said

"I would love to" she said

"perfect" I said

"now what am I going to wear" she said going through her clothes

"let me pick your outfit" I said

"what's wrong with my outfit's" she said

"nothing you know I love the way you dress but it's my birthday" I said

"fine" she said rolling her eyes

"I love you" I said kissing her

"I know you do" she said chuckling

" I can't stand you" I said

"I love you too" she said laughing

I couldn't help it but to leave the room smiling that was Ma's first time telling me that she loved me and I don't even think she realized she said it

I had to call up Layla

"hello" she said

"yoo Layla" I said

"wassup" she said

"um me and Ma got a dinner tonight and I need you to get her a nice fit, come do her hair to do whatever you feel needs to be done " I said

"of course I been looking forward to this my whole life" she said

"alright thank you" I said

"happy birthday by the way" she said

"appreciate it" I said then hung up

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