Chapter 19

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I was at Ma's house like always but we were waiting for Justin and Isaiah to get here because we were suppose to be hanging out

"so when I'ma get my thank you" I said

"what are you talking about" Ma said

"for introducing you to your new boyfriend" I said

"he's not my boyfriend  he's just a friend that I hang with" she said

"then why you stay blushing when we talk about him" I said

"because he's a really good friend" she said lying

"mhmm" I said rolling my eyes

the doorbell had ranged

"it's them" she said

"how you know" I said getting up

"because Justin is the only person that uses the door bell" she said as I opened the door

"sup fellas" I said hugging Justin and kissing Isaiah

"y'all ready" Isaiah asked me

"I am ion know about Ma" I said

"I'll go see" Justin said

I was talking to Isaiah and it felt off like the vibe was weird

" wassup with you" I asked

"what you mean" he said

"why you being weird" I said

"man don't start that shi" he said

"start what I'm asking if your ok my fault for being concerned about my boyfriend" I said

getting up going to see what's keeping Ma and Justin

I walk in the room and immediately closed my eyes as I saw them kissing while Justin was holding Ma up against a wall.

"Layla" Ma said

"I didn't see anything" I said

"yoo Ma someone at yo door" Isaiah said from the living room

Ma went to go open the door while Justin went to the bathroom

When she opened the door the person on the other side of it was her uncle

I just walked back to the couch sitting next to Isaiah putting my feet on him

"chill with all that" he said getting up going out the door

I was so irritated by Isaiah at this point

I went in the kitchen to get something to drink

"you hurting my feelings, you don't know how to say hi" Calvin said from behind me

I turned around rolling my eyes at him and bumped into him while walking past him

I didn't even make it out the kitchen because Calvin grab me by the back of my neck

pulling me back towards him so close that I could smell him and that man there smelt so fucking good

"don't be rolling your eyes at me" he said

"whatever" I said

"tighten up and act right" he said bringing his head closer to mines because he was taller

"Calvin I have a boyfriend remember" I said  as my breathing changed do to him being close

"you mean that pussy ass nigga outside who don't seem to be so concerned about you" he said moving his lips close to mine

I was just about to kiss him but then I heard Ma say she was ready so that made me snap back into reality

I pulled away from Calvin leaving out the kitchen.

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