Chapter 23

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Me and Ave was chilling at the house playing hide and seek

I was counting when the door bell ringed and I knew it was Justin

"5, 6 you know you don't have to use the door bell right 7, 8" I said

"why are you counting" he asked

" ready or not here I come I'm playing with Ave" I said going to go look for her

after 5 minutes I gave up and told her to just come out

"how did you even fit in the dryer" I said

"because I'm small mommy" she said running in the living room

"wassup chicken nuggets" I heard Justin say to Ave

"sup potato head" she said back to him

I really did love Ave and Justin's relationship she absolutely adores him

I'm just scared one day he is going to leave and she'll be hurt

I went in the kitchen cleaning it up a little while Ave and Justin played Uno

after I was done cleaning I went and sat in the living with them and watch TV

after a while Ave got sleepy and she went into her room to take a nap

"I swear some people just can't act" I said to Justin

"mhm" he said

I looked at him and he was on his phone not even listening to me

I just turned the TV off

"that's crazy why would she do that" I said

"Dead ass" he said still not looking up

"I'm pregnant" I said

"what" he said looking up so fast

"oh now you listen to me" I said

"stop playing" he said going back into his phone

"who texting us" I said getting up sitting with each leg on the side of him

"nobody" he said closing his phone before I could see

I looked at him with a confused look

"what bae" he said

"why you playing with me" I said picking up his phone

"don't touch nothing you don't pay for" he said snatching the phone out my hand

"don't worry about it ion care no more" I said starting to get up off of him

"I'm just playing" he said pulling me back down

"no you not" I said

"here" he said opening his phone then giving it to me

I took it and pretended to go through stuff

"who the fuck is this" I said faking like I found something

"ion know bae if you don't like it delete it" he said

I closed his phone putting it on the table next to us

"I'm just kidding your clean" I said kissing him

"I know" he said kissing me back

I put my arms around his neck indicating that I wanted to deepin the kiss

I allowed his tongue to have access in my mouth and at this point I was hot and ready

so I reached for his belt buckle trying to take it off

"Ma" he said but still kissing me

"yes" I said unbuttoning my pants

"we can't" he said

"why'' I said

"because Ave is here" he said

"so we can go inside the room and close the door" I said taking off my shirt

"she still gonna hear" he said kissing on my neck

"I promise I'll be quiet" I said kissing him

"we can't" he said

"can" I said trying to take off his shirt

"Ma" he said moving my hands from his shirt

"Justin please shut up" I said

"We not ready for all of this yet" he said

I put my hand on his pants

"your friend says otherwise" I said

he pulled away from the kiss taking my hands

"well good thing I think with my head up here and not the one in my pants" he said peeking my lips on last time

"I'm tired of you" I said

"then take a nap" he said chuckling

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