Chapter 29

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Justin left with his friend at 9:30 it was now 2:00 in the morning

I have blown up his phone and he still has not got back to me I already had Ave put to sleep

so I just turned off all the lights I was no longer waiting on him

in the middle of the night I heard the back slide door open causing me to quickly and quietly jump out of my bed going to my closet grabbing my big black knife

I walked to Ave's room going in making sure she was still asleep and ok after doing that I locked it before leaving the room

I slowly walked in the direction of the person

I heard them take off there shoes which told me they didn't want to be heard

but then a big bang sound was heard on my floor as if they fell I knew that this was my opportunity to charge at them

I quickly walked around and cut them hearing a man in pain I turned on the lights

"what the fuck" I said

"what are you doing" he said

"what the hell are you doing Justin" I said

"the front door was locked with the chain" he said

"yes because I didn't want no one else coming into my house" I said

"so you cut me" he said getting off the floor holding is arm that was dripping blood

"yes, I have a daughter and I didn't know it was you" I said

"well now you know" he said

"your getting blood all over my floor so clean yourself up, lock my slide door back and then clean my floor" I said walking away

"so you not gonna do nothing" he said

"oh I'ma go back to sleep there's bandages in the bathroom" I said laying down going to sleep


I had just got done mopping the floor so I was taking a shower when I heard Ma talking

so I got out getting dress  trying to figure out who she was talking to at 3 in the morning

"please don't" she said

  but I saw her phone on the nightstand

"I'll do whatever just don't kill him" she said 

"yoo" I said shaking her lightly

"PLEASE" she yelled sounding like she was crying

"hey" I said sitting down next to her

"NO" she yelled moving around

"Ma" I said waking her up

she jumped up out of her sleep

"what" she said breathing hard

"ok I need you to relax It was just a bad dream" I said hold her

"I'm good" she said getting out of bed going into the bathroom closing the door

I tried to get into the bathroom but she just wouldn't let me in

after I just gave up 30 minutes later she came out

"Ma" I said

"I'm fine" she said

"no your not" I said walking up to her

"Justin leave me alone" she said

"talk to me" I said

"there's nothing to talk about it was a nightmare there not real" she said

"but this one was about your brother which makes it real" I said

"ok" she said

"talk" I said

"I watched my brother die and I kill people for a living nightmares come with the life" she said

"yes but that was different" I said

"Justin why do you care" she said

"why do I care" I asked with a confused look

"I didn't stutter" she said

"Ma I care because I love you" I said

"I am fucked up in the damn head why do you love me, your just throwing that word around" she said

"Ma when I say I love you I need you to understand that means I love all of you.  I love you when your mad, sad, annoying, dirty, and difficult." I said

"Justin you don't love me because if you did you wouldn't came in here at 3 o'clock in the damn morning" she said

"I know but-" I started

"no buts you didn't call or text you pushed me to call up fucking Isaiah who I physically want to kill and he didn't even know where you were so that tells me that there's a possibility that you are some where laid up with a hoe" she said

"I would never cheat on you please believe that" I said looking in her eyes

"I know you wouldn't which is why I started to think you were dead on the street and that scares the hell out of me" she said

"why does that scare you" I said

"because I have a daughter to think about" she said

"but you had a daughter to think about before I was even  in the picture so tell me why you were really scared" I said

"because I care about you Justin" she said

"you've always cared so tell me the real answer" I said

"if you already know I don't have to say anything" she said going into the kitchen

I followed her

"it doesn't matter until you say it" I said

"Justin I'm not good with the whole feelings thing ok" she said

"What, I never noticed" I said sarcastically

"look the only  person I said that to besides family was my daughter's dad and he crazy" she said

"I'm not him though so if you really feel that way about me then imma need you to say it" I said

she stared at me as if she was  thinking of what she should say 

"I do to" she said

"you what" i said

"Justin" she said whining

"Ma" I said mocking her

"I strongly like you too" she said

"really" I said

" that's the best I could do for you take it or leave it" she said

"leaving it" I said walking away

"ok ok" she said making me turn around

"what man" I said chuckling

"how about I tell you my real name that's how you really know I feel the same way" she said

"ight I'ma let it slide but only because I really want to know" I said

"alright but you can't call me it when we are outside of these four walls or when people are over, and you can't say it when Ave is here because she likes to repeat shi" she said looking at me in the eyes

"ok I get it now tell me" I said

"Ma'Kayla is my real name" she said walking away

"so you just gonna walk away Ma'Kayla" I said chuckling

"fuck you" she said going into the room

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