Chapter 9

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After 30 minutes of uncle Calvin beating up the man in my basement he was now In the shower getting cleaned

so I decided to cook him a meal when there was a knock on my front door

"who is it" I asked

"your bestie of course" Layla said

" hey girl" I said opening up the door

"yes I came just in time you anit cook nothing yet" she said skipping to my kitchen

"is food the only reason you come over here" I said washing my hands

"usually but not today" she said sitting at the island

"wassup" I asked starting to cook

"well I want to know what you thought about, what's his name again" she said

"Justin" I said

"yes him so tell me the tea" she said getting excited

"their anit no tea to tell he was ok but I picked up major red flags" I said

"girl like what" she said rolling her eyes

"for starters he commented on my money flow and apparently bitches be all over his dick gassing him up" I said

"bestie for real that's your red flags" she said

"yes" I said fixing her plate

"well maybe he don't want no broke girlfriend who's money hungry and all nigga say shi like that it's like their hyping themselves up" she said

"ion know" I said placing her food in front of her

"well I do and knowing you he probably had to boost himself up cause your ass be knocking people's play" she said laughing

"whatever" I said fixing a third plate and putting it in the microwave

"why you fixed three plates" she said eating

"stay out my business" I said playfully

"let me find out you dissing my boy Justin because you over here boo'd up" she said

"yoo Ma why the fuck your water get so hot" Calvin said coming into the kitchen without a shirt

When I say Layla turned her head so fast she could have broken her shi

"that's how I like it" I said grabbing his plate and putting it in front of him

"umm anit you going to introduce me to your friend" Layla said smiling

"oh my fault,  unk this is my best friend Layla, Layla this is my uncle Calvin" I said

"nice to meet you" he said shaking her hand

Layla end up dropping her fork on the floor

"you good" he asked her

"yeah just a little clumsy today I guess, Ma can I talk to you for second" Layla said walking toward my room

"wassup" I asked her laughing

"this is not funny how could you have someone as fine as he is in your family and not tell me" she said whispering

"first of all he is older than you and on top of that your not a big fan of his so called line of work" I said

"girl he could kill puppys for a living and I'll still fuck him" she said

"your disgusting" I said walking out to my uncle washing his plate

"unk I could have done that for you" I said

"naw it's straight but I am about to head out" he said walking over giving me a hug

"alright see you later then and thank for today again" I said walking him to the door

"don't sweat it you know I always got you" he said

Layla then walked out the room

"it was nice meeting you beautiful" he said to Layla walking out the door

I closed it behind him

"did he just call me beautiful and he can clean bestie you might have to start calling me your aunt" she said

"girl bye my uncle do not want none of your jail bait coochie" I said laughing

 Lose Everything With Love Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora