Chapter 10 - What Is Worse Than Seeing A Ghost?

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"I will wait for you here, my lady," Anya said.

I pushed the double doors of Elian's bedroom open, the hinges creaking a tad bit.

My gaze landed on a knight with sandy hair, a sword gleaming on his belt. He was standing by the window like a sentinel. His own hazel gaze regarded me even as I closed the doors behind me.

"I know what you are thinking, Theon." Elian said from his couch, positioned several meters beside the knight. I could not see what face he was making since he was facing the window, but there was an airy delight in his tone. "'If only this lady had knocked then I would have opened the doors for her.' Yet you are debating on how to say it without sounding rude."

The knight remained expressionless when he said, "Stop acting like you know everything that goes on in my mind."

At this, my brows perked up. Theon crossed the room, gave me the barest nod and said "Lady," as he went past me before going out.

I shrugged it off and proceeded to take the seat across Elian. He had his arms splayed out on his velvet couch, looking indeed like someone who had just arrived from a week-long vacation.

Beneath the chandelier, his ragged curls appeared even more golden. Next to us was his bed, the wooden posts carved with leaves and vines.

"I take it you know your knight friend quite well?"

He threw his hand in the air lazily. "There are times when I feel like I hardly know him. But most of the time he is an open book. Theon is Western."

My brows stretched even higher. I hadn't seen him before. Theon must be newly appointed.

"Western," I repeated, feeling the taste of the word on my tongue. "Really?"

"Yes. He was assigned to be my bodyguard after my sister died. They said I needed the protection in case there were threats to my life also. I don't know how my other sister Cynthia got rid of her bodyguard. But I chose to keep him. I do not mind the company."

"He has become dear to you."

"I was against the idea at first. Then I found myself growing fond of him over time. It is fun to tease him when he is sulking, like what you witnessed earlier. The reactions I get out of him are priceless." Elian chuckled.

He was in front of me, that much was certain. Though listening to him felt as if he was not actually here. It was that feeling you get when you heard someone speak of their farfetched dreams while knowing very well that they would not come true.

The atmosphere had turned heavy and weightless at the same time. I cleared my throat and decided to switch to another topic.

"I presume you called me here for an urgent matter? You do not usually heed for me whenever you return."

Elian lit up like a light bulb, straightening from his slumping position.

"Ah. You are right. It is urgent."

He reached for something next to his feet and brought out a satchel, placing the leather bag on his lap. From it, he took a rectangular box which he handed to me with a proud smile.

"This is for you."

I tilted my head to the side as I considered the weight of the box on my hand.

"Open it, Clary."

The golden clasp unlatched with a quick click. Lain atop a red silk pillow were small leaves made of white glittering gems. The stem where the leaves had joined was apparently two silver strings twisted together.

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