There's a Thin Line Between Love and Hate (2)

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I hate Jesse Jacobsen.

So. Freaking. Much.

I didn't get how one person could be so annoying! Why did he have to be so mean to me? What had I done to him to make him hate me so much? I didn't even know! I know what he did to make me hate him, but there was no way I was bringing that up again. He had caused me enough trouble back then.

Let's just say that I had a reason to despise Jesse Jacobsen. And not just because him and his stupid buddies would prank us all the time.

"What are we supposed to do?" Lexi asked once we had snuck back into my room through the window. She seemed really scared, which she shouldn't have been. She wasn't the one that was going to get expelled, I was!

I didn't get why Headmistress Belladonna thought that I always started to fights we had with the boys. I wasn't the one who started it! Jesse was! He always was the one that started it!

I sighed, shaking my head as I fell back onto my bed. I had no idea what we were supposed to do. Jesse could have been ruining my life right then, and I had absolutely no idea what to do.

"All we can do is sit here and wait," Chelsea said sadly, pulling her knees up to her chin as she sat next to me. "Knowing Jesse Jacobsen, anything could really happen."

She was right about that. Ever since I had met Jesse, the only thing I knew about him was that he was full of surprises. He would wait and prank us when we least expected it, and it would always be something that would definitely top ours.

Jesse had always been annoying, ever since I had met him. I guess it was just one of his features or something, which was kind of unfortunate. Words couldn't even describe how much I hated him. He was just so horrible, and I couldn't stand him.

"We're going to have to stop him from telling their headmaster somehow," I groaned, sitting up now. "If I get expelled, and if I don't get to go to Yale, I'm going to kill Jesse. He could at least show a little compassion or something and just cut me some slack for once!"

Lexi nodded, practically jumping up and down on my bed. "True that. It seems like he lives to make your life miserable or something. He never even talks to Chelsea, AJ, or me. It's always just you. I wonder what his fascination with you is.

I rolled my eyes, sighing slightly. "It's not a fascination," I told her, shaking my head now. "He's just annoying and knows he can annoy me the most. And he can ruin my life a lot easier than he can yours."

Chelsea now nodded, jumping into one of the chairs in my room while AJ sat in another one. "I kind of agree with both of you. It's a little weird how Jesse's always fixated on you whenever we see him. I mean, it's always all four of us that prank him and his friends, and it was five when Aimee was with us. But even when she was with us, he still only made fun of Jordan."

"Can we please not talk about Aimee?" AJ asked, burying her head into her hands. It made me feel bad how upset she was about the fight with Aimee. They were such good friends, best friends even. It seemed that the only reason she got up in the morning was because she had a boyfriend, who went to a public school a few miles away from our academy. She was the only one out of all four of us that had a boyfriend, and if I had to admit it, I was actually pretty jealous of her. I hadn't even had a boyfriend yet, and I was a senior. I hadn't even been kissed yet.

"But anyway," Lexi continued, fluffing my pillow as she did so. "Even if Jesse tells his headmaster that it was us, it doesn't necessarily mean that he'll believe him. Jesse isn't exactly the most reliable person on the planet. He's total bad news, I can tell."

"Yeah," I agreed quietly, now the only one that was sitting up.

Suddenly, something crashed against my window, leaving a disgusting yellow line as it slid down, and causing us all to jump. I gave the window a flat look, my eye twitching ever so slightly as I realized that it had been an egg that had hit our window.

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