There's a Thin Line Between Love and Hate (20)

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Ever since I had met him, everything Jesse Jacobsen did annoyed me. Until now. Now that I admitted that I liked him, everything he did was cute or funny. I didn't even think I'd get upset if he made fun of me anymore. Maybe for pranks, but I didn't really know about that.

After I had calmed down, we both went back inside and sat next to my mother in the front. We watched my grandmother be buried and Jesse held onto my hand the entire time. He even let me cry into his chest more after they started to bury her.

I hadn't ever noticed how he tried to do sweet things for me, because I always brushed them off as annoying. Ever since he caused me to drop his ice cream all over my shirt, everything he did was stupid and annoying, and I just couldn't stand it.

But now, everything he did was too cute for words.

I'm kind of ashamed of myself, if you want the truth. After hating him for four years, I just randomly decide to start liking him. But it wasn't really like I had a choice. If I could choose, I would have stuck to just hating his guts for the rest of my life.

"I'm so sorry for running out like that," I apologized to my mother after we had gotten home. "I just couldn't take it... And you never told me how Grandma died so it was a pretty big shock."

"I'm sorry, Jordan," my mother sniffed as she sat quietly down on the couch. "I just couldn't tell you that she was killed..."

I sat on the couch opposite of her, Jesse sitting next to me almost immediately. I absentmindedly scooted closer, not realizing it until my leg was touching his. I expecting him to pull away from me, but I was surprised when he pressed his leg against mine.

I hadn't seen my father yet, which worried me just a little. I hadn't seen him throughout the entire funeral, or when they were burying my grandmother. My mother said he was there, probably just mingling and cheering people up, but I wasn't so sure. Hunter had already gone after my grandmother...

"I just don't understand why someone would do this to her," my mother sobbed, placing her face in her hands as she bent over in her seat. "Why would someone do this to an elderly lady?"

That was what I was thinking. Was Hunter really that cold and heartless that he'd kill my grandmother who was going to pass away of old age anytime anyway? Just so he could get to Jesse...

Jesse placed his hand on my knee, almost causing me to jump. I wasn't expecting him to do something like this, but it wasn't like I minded. I wanted him to touch way more than just my knee...

When the front door opened, I almost jumped to my feet when I saw that it was my dad. I let out a long breath of relief, happy that Hunter hadn't gotten to him.

"Sorry I was late," he apologized, dropping his keys down on the kitchen table. "I had to drive Mary Lou home."

I let out another sigh of relief. Mary Lou was my cousin, and she didn't have any relationship with a gang or Hunter. At least not that I knew of...

Shaking it off, I stood up from the couch to hug my father. Even though my grandmother was my mom's mother, he was close to her as well. My dad's mother had died when he was little, so he grew up without a mother because his father never remarried, and I never got to meet her.

When my father pulled away from me, his gaze landed on Jesse and became confused. My eyes widened slightly when I realized he hadn't ever met Jesse before, since I hadn't ever brought up who I was pranking with my parents...

"Um, you remember Jesse, a friend of mine," I introduced, stepping away from my father and toward Jesse. My father wasn't exactly an overprotective person, but he never really liked any boys that I hung out with, except for Dallas, before what had happened with him. He would always say he didn't believe any guy was good enough for me.

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