There's a Thin Line Between Love and Hate (14)

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I didn't feel very great.

I felt kind of dizzy and hot, and I wished the people around me would just shut up.

"I can't believe it!" Emily cried out, pacing around the cabin. I continued to lay sprawled out in my bed, trying to look dead asleep so I wouldn't be bothered by any of them. I still couldn't really believe that I had kissed Jesse willingly, even if it was only to piss Aimee off. And it only put me in some kind of stupid competition with her to win Jesse's heart.

I didn't want it! She could have had it for all I cared!

But I didn't want her to win. After everything she had done to my friends, I couldn't have let her win. But that meant being with Jesse, and I definitely didn't want that. I wanted to be with Dallas, and that was it. Why did things have to be so complicated?

And I still wondered how Jesse knew Erica. She didn't seem scared of him when they had seen each other the night before, but she looked almost nervous. I didn't understand, because I thought nervous and shy were the last things that Erica Sanchez could ever be.

Maybe they were exes? No, probably not... Erica was the same age as Dallas, four years older than us, and I remembered Jesse saying how he didn't like older woman... He wanted a girl either  his age or younger than him. But not too young, he made sure to point out, stopping me from making a comment about him being a pedophile.

And it was a pretty good comment, too, so damn him for stopping me from saying it.

It was just so confusing. My foot continued to ache as I tried to think of how they would know each other. I hadn't told any of the girls, because I knew they would have made a fuss over the fact that I was alone with Jesse on the dock, and I was already getting a headache from them fussing over Yolanda, and it wasn't even directed at me. So, yeah, I wasn't about to get their attention anytime soon.

And anyway, they thought I was asleep.

"What do you think, Jordan?" Lexi suddenly asked me, causing me to almost jump in surprise.

I'm asleep! I'm asleep!

As much as I wanted to yell that out loud, I knew that I couldn't, because then it would have been obvious that I wasn't really asleep. So I just shut my eyes a little tighter and pretended to snore a little.

Lexi rolled her eyes, pushing my shoulder lightly. "Come on, Jordan, I know you're awake. You can't fool me."

I let out a long groan, sitting up slowly. Wasn't it obvious that I just wanted to sleep? I had stayed up late the night before with Jesse, and it was finally the weekend, so couldn't they just let me sleep? I was seriously tired, and my foot still hurt!

"I think he seems like a nice guy," I answered Lexi's question sleepily, rubbing at my eye. "He seemed like he was just as shy as Yolanda is, and that's pretty rare, since I've never met a guy that's as shy as Yolanda before. Actually, I don't think I've ever met anyone that was as shy as Yolanda..."

"But that's so weird!" Cindy piped up, and she continued to sit cross-legged on her bed as she stared at us. "Like Jordan said, I've never seen a shy guy before! Ever! It's, like, impossible, isn't it?"

"It isn't impossible," AJ informed them, waving a hand in front of her face. "I'm sure there are plenty of guys that are shy like Yolanda or Troy. We just haven't met them yet."

"We've also been in California all our lives, Cindy," Chelsea pointed out flatly, plopping down on her own bed. "Out of all the tan guys in our state, it's impossible to find a shy one."

"What does tan have to do with anything?" Lexi asked, one perfectly plucked eyebrow raised.

"Nothing, I just like tanned guys."

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