There's a Thin Line Between Love and Hate (Epilogue)

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Four Years Later...

"Do you feel okay?"

"I feel fine," I answered Lexi flatly, smacking the thermometer away as gently as I could without hurting her. "You don't need to worry about me, Lexi."

"You never get sick," she drawled with a roll of her eyes. "But here you are, puking your guts out. You've been throwing up since I got here! Even if you don't feel bad, something's definitely wrong with you if you're puking like this."

"I always get sick randomly," I rasped, turning away from her now as I continued to lay on the couch. "It's not my fault I'm like this. I'd really rather not puke if it was up to me."

As if on cue, I felt my stomach lurch. I jumped up from the couch and ran into the bathroom down the hall, kneeling in front of the toilet and puking out the little food that I had had for breakfast.

"See? You're obviously not okay," Lexi sighed from the doorway, shaking her head as she helped me off the floor and back to the couch after I had flushed the toilet. She laid me back down and handed me a cup of water, which I gladly took. "Why don't you go to the doctor's or something? I think that would be the best thing to do."

"Tomorrow," I assured her, cuddling under the blanket she had laid on top of me a little more. "Jesse already made an appointment for me anyway, so I'm going tomorrow."

"Jordan!" Alex cried out, bursting into my apartment without any type of warning. I let out a groan, covering my face with a pillow now. "Oh, Jordan! Come out, come out wherever you are!"

"Alex!" Lexi called from where she was sitting next to me. "Keep your mouth shut! She's in here!"

Alex quickly skittered into the living room, his eyes widening dramatically when he saw me lying on the couch. "Oh, my goodness!" he cried out once again. "Jordan's dead!"

"I'm not dead," I growled, scowling at him and forcing myself up off the couch. "I'm just sick, that's all."

I always did get sick randomly. I remember talking to Jesse when we were still in high school about it, and he was the same way. We never got sick even when we were surrounded by germs, but then at random times I'd get sick for absolutely no reason.

I hated that I had to get sick then. Lexi had come to visit me because she had some time off of her classes, and I had some of my classes off as well so she thought that she'd come and visit Jesse, Alex, and me.

Alex still had classes, but he didn't have as much as Jesse. We still lived in the same apartment together, and he wouldn't get home until later in the day, usually somewhere in between two in the afternoon until seven at night. I hated having to wait for him, but usually he called me to tell me when he was going to be done.

Like today he had called me earlier to tell me that he was going to have classes until seven at night. Lexi answered the phone because I was too lazy and tired to get up myself, and she told me that Jesse felt horrible for not being able to be there for me when I was sick.

I didn't even feel that bad. Sure, I was a little tired, but I was only throwing up. I either had food poisoning or had just caught a stomach bug, so I was sure that it wasn't that big of a deal since I rarely ever got sick.

"Did you get what I asked you for, Alex?" Lexi asked her boyfriend, turning toward him with a pointed look on her face. "If you didn't, I'm going to be really mad at you because then I'll have to go out and get it and that means I'll have to leave you here alone with Jordan, and you might kill her or something."

"I have it, I have it," he assured with a roll of his eyes, shoving a small, brown paper bag at her. "It was totally awkward buying that, you know. Everyone there gave me dirty looks like they thought I just ruined someone's life."

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