There's a Thin Line Between Love and Hate (12)

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Even though I was kissing Dallas, something that I had always wanted to do ever since before I could remember, I couldn't stop thinking about one thing. Something that had annoyed me for the past four years of my life. And it wasn't even a thing...

It was a person.

Why, even though I was making out with Dallas, was Jesse the only thing I could think about? It didn't make sense! I didn't want to think about him in the first place, let alone when I was kissing another boy! Seriously, what was my problem?

Why did Jesse have to invade my mind then? Any other time would have been better than this! I didn't want to think about Jesse while I was kissing Dallas!

"Why didn't you ever tell me that you liked me?" Dallas asked me when he pulled his lips away from mine, looking down at me. We were still on my bed, but it wasn't like we were doing anything absolutely serious like sleeping together or anything. Especially at the camp!

"Be--because," I stuttered, looking away from him as my cheeks turned pink. Why didn't any girl tell the guy that she liked that she liked them? Because it was embarrassing, and there was a huge chance that the guy didn't like her back... "I thought that you always just saw me as a kid sister or something, and you always had a girlfriend all the time..."

"I'm sorry, Jordan," he sighed, shaking his head as he continued to stare down at me. "I didn't even think of your feelings, did I? I never even thought that you could have liked me... I always thought that you just saw me as a brother..."

I leaned forward, kissing his lips before hugging him tightly. "I never thought of you as a brother," I whispered. "Maybe when I was really little, before I knew what liking a guy really was, but... You're not my brother. And I'm so glad that you aren't."

"This would be kind of creepy if I was your brother," Dallas informed me with a chuckle, causing me to laugh as well. It would have been creepy if I was his sister... But if I really was his sister, I was sure that I wouldn't have had feelings for him.

"I'm just glad that I'm with you now," I told him truthfully, now back to looking up at him again. "Even though I wished that what had happened at your prom didn't happen, I'm glad that you're here with me now. I really missed you, Dallas. I really did."

"I missed you, too, Jordy," Dallas told me, a small smile on his face. "I never meant to hurt you. I wasn't thinking, and I acted like a complete and total bastard. I couldn't be sorrier for it."

He reached over, stroking my cheek lightly. I smiled now, leaning into his touch. This was what I had always been waiting for, and I couldn't believe that it was actually happening. I never wanted this moment to end, but I knew that it was going to have to eventually.

He kissed me again then, and I didn't know how long we were kissing for, but I knew that it was a pretty long time. I didn't even care if I was keeping my friends waiting, and I didn't really care if they worried about me or not. But I was sure that they weren't going to worry about me, because I was sure they were thinking that what was happening with Dallas and me right then was what was happening.

Jesse was far from my mind as Dallas trailed kisses up and down my neck. I never wanted to let him go; it seemed like it was four years before, and nothing bad had happened between us. I always wanted this to happen, and now that it finally was, I couldn't have been happier.

But when the door burst open, all the happiness left my body. I expected that the person that would be standing there would be Jesse, but when I looked over, it definitely wasn't. The person that I saw was a grinning Chelsea Evans, who looked so excited I thought she might burst.

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