Chapter 56.

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It was almost a full month until I saw Anakin again. I heard my door open when I was in my room reading one evening. I froze for a second not knowing who that was. I didn't have Artoo anymore to stand guard.

I immediately relaxed when I saw Anakin trudge in tiredly. I got up quickly and ran to him throwing my arms around his neck.

"I was beginning to think you had decided to live on Christophsis, you've been gone so long." I said after kissing him.

"Tell me about it." Anakin groaned and fell onto the bed in exhaustion.

"Is everything okay?" I asked worriedly and ran my hands through his hair.

He moaned and shook his head. "Everything is perfect now." He said taking my wrist and kissing it. "I just haven't gotten any sleep these past couple of days.

"Should you even be here then? You need some rest and a lot of it. Unfortunately you can't get that here or someone might discover you're missing." I said sadly.

"I really don't care. All I know is that I've been thinking about you every day and dying to come back to you. Don't make me leave." he begged.

"I won't make you leave, but I am going to make sure you get rest." I said and helped him take off his boots and belt.

"There's something else we could do that would probably rejuvenate me." he smirked but I shook my head and he pouted. "Fine."

"How is your new padawan?" I asked nonchalantly.

He looked at me and frowned. "Did you know about that? That they were sending me one? I didn't want a padawan!" he said frustrated and took off his shirt.

"You'll learn to love her. She's good for you." I smiled at him and he shook his head.

"I don't know about that."

"Just let yourself get to know her. You'll learn from each other. That's the whole point of a padawan. Ahsoka is one of the best." I told him.

"And you already know her name too." Anakin rolled his eyes.

"Of course I know her name."

"Let me guess, this was meant to happen?"

"According to the story, yes." I told him and gave him a peck on the nose. "Now let's get some rest."

We climbed under the covers and Anakin snuggled up to me wrapping his hands around my waist.

Every time I was with him it all felt so perfect.

I set an alarm for very early in the morning so that Anakin could get back to the temple undetected.

It took some convincing to get him to go back but eventually he agreed.

"I'm going to come back in a couple of hours and pick you up." he said before leaving.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"I want to take you to the temple. It's just an innocent drive. No one would suspect anything." Anakin shrugged.

"Except that it's weird? Why would you pick me up? I fly myself there every day." I told him.

"No one will think it's weird. Stop worrying my love. I'll be back shortly." He kissed my cheek and left quietly.

I couldn't help but shake my head and laugh when he was gone.

What was I doing? This whole secret marriage was madness. Someone was going to find out.

I went back to bed after he left and slept for a couple more hours. I had just finished getting ready when I heard the doorbell.

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