Chapter 46 - Ready

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Dedicated to my babe, @think_in_pink, for helping me with this story so much!

I definitely am not ready for this. Not even in the slightest. But Effie and President Snow were not taking no for an answer. I had to get through this tour, or it would probably be the end of me.

District One was nothing but a wakeup call. It showed me the true horror of living in a world like this. There are people praising me for something I am most ashamed of doing, and others who want me to die because of it. How do they deal with their beliefs? I know the Capitol can be convincing, but they should seriously understand that something is wrong. I mean, their own kids are being drafted into the Games.

We made it back onto the train safely, but barely. There was a crowd of people following us, asking me if they can get pictures with me and Cato. I would have gladly accepted, but I was afraid that the girls would attack Cato.

As soon as the doors closed behind us and the train started moving, Effie went off on a rampage, yelling and screaming about how horribly that went. I didn't think that it was my fault. I did everything that she asked me to do, no questioned asked.

Effie stomped off into her room and I stood there, not really knowing what to do or say.

"I'm gonna go wipe all of this makeup from my face," I told Cato, walking away from him so that I can return to myself again.

"I'll come, too. I need to shower. I can't get the faces of those girls out of my head. Their stares made my skin crawl."

I laughed as Cato followed me. It really was weird how open all of those girls were with asking questions. They were definitely my age, or maybe older. Still, it was funny to finally see Cato uncomfortable and unable to control a situation. He was blushing so hard, much more than I think I've ever done.

"It's so weird how so many girls only think of you in that way," I told Cato. I sat in front of the mirror in the bathroom and Cato stood behind me, removing his clothes for the shower.

"Didn't you?"

I blush. "No."

Cato shrugged his shirt off and turned to start the shower. "Can you really blame them, though?" he asks me with his eyebrows raised.

I frowned. "No, but they should at least have some respect for themselves and me. I was sitting right next to you."

I took a wipe and began swiping it along my cheek, removing the layers of makeup. Cato bent to push his pants off, smirking at me.

"Are you jealous, Kitten?" he asks slowly. Of course, he was going to tease me about this, just as I tease him about being jealous when other guys look at me for a millisecond.

I bite my lip and look at him through the mirror. "No," I lie. "I just think that girls shouldn't be speaking that way in front of anyone."

Cato laughs and steps into the shower. "Sure, Kitten, you think that."

"Stop calling me that," I warn him playfully. Even though I hate that nickname, I've gotten used to it. It would be weird if he didn't call me that.

"Never gonna happen," he calls over the sound of the shower.

I continue wiping the makeup off of my face. I start to think about how the prep team had to cover the bruise on my back with makeup and groan in frustration. Now I have to shower and get that off, and who knows how long that's going to take with how much they had to use to cover the thing up. I really do not know why they even decided to cover it up. I was wearing a dress and a jacket, not a bikini. No one would have seen it.

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